I definitely support and encourage fasting, when it's for the correct reasons, the correct way and without hypocrisy.
However, there's several issues of concern:
-Some people fast too often because they falsely believe that much fasting automatically makes them holy.
-Fasting too often, with the false belief that God wants us to fast extremely often. (Wrong reasons.)
-Fasting too much when they need the nutrients for physical or mental health problems.
Mark 2:18-20 The disciples of Jesus didn't fast as often as the disciples of John the baptizer, because the disciples of Jesus was with Jesus.
After we attain a very close relationship with Jesus and are secure/strong in that relationship, we don't need to fast as often as we previously fasted when we were seeking Jesus!
Luke 18:9-14 The man of pride who fasted twice a week, was not as righteous as the humble man.
Fasting often doesn't automatically make you acceptable to God, or more righteous than other people who don't fast as often as you.
Matthew 5:20 Unless our righteousness far exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees, we will not enter the fullness of The Kingdom!
It doesn't say that our faith or belief must be as strong as the Pharisees, but rather our righteousness!
He said this immediately after saying that none of the law of the 10 Commandments would ever be done away with until we reach Paradise (the end of this current world, and the beginning of the next world of eternity.)
Yet, the Pharisees fasted very often. Therefore I was told by a very legalistic person a long time ago, that he fasted extremely often so that his righteousness would exceed the Pharisees. Ridiculous! The righteousness of the Pharisees was never how often they fasted, but rather only their belief in the law. Their much fasting wasn't accepted/loved by God. And their legalistic approach to the law also wasn't accepted/loved by God. And their lack of faith and their lack of understanding of spiritual things and lack of obedience (their hypocrisy) wasn't accepted by God.
Matthew 6:16-18 We shouldn't brag about how much we fast, or let others know.
Isaiah 1:10-17 What God wants from us more than anything else isn't more fasting, but rather that we would not be hypocrites, and that we take care of the poor and needy, and that we stand against evil, and not be evil ourselves.
Although Jesus, Moses and Elijah fasted 40 days, we don't read of such long periods of fasting from Jeremiah, Noah, Paul, Matthew, Peter, or Daniel or many others. Even Esther's (and the Jews') fast was only 3 days, yet God spared them. Nineveh's fast was also only 3 days. Yet God spared Nineveh.
The 40 day fasts are very exceptional and not required for the majority of true followers of Jesus.
Again, I promote fasting! Some people should fast more often than other people, especially if they are struggling with sin.
And especially when people first begin studying to determine what is the truth.
But continued fasting, too often, even after attaining a strong relationship with Jesus, can possibly sometimes become nothing more than a ritual. Just like praying with your eyes closed before eating.
And fasting too often can be dangerous to your physical and mental health. God designed our bodies to need the nutrients from food.
We should fast when we need to fast.
But not just because you are trying to meet a quota.
Reminder: Most of the USA changes their clocks back one hour tonight.
Tuesday is election day in the USA. I encourage all Americans to vote.
Full sermon audio: https://soundcloud.com/isawthelightministries/nov-05-2022-fasting-too-often
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