Oct. 5, 2022 (The Day of Atonement. 10th day of 7th biblical month)
Lev. 23:26-32
Lev. 16:1-19 The 2 goats represent separation between lost people and righteous people.
Therefore The Day of Atonement has a theme of separation, wicked people being cast out, but salvation for the righteous.
The word "Atonement" means to calm God's anger by presenting a sacrifice.
The old "Worldwide Church of God" previously taught that it means "At-one-ment" because of the spelling. And although there is some truth to that claim, that explanation lacks the full meaning and also ignores half of the puzzle. For at-one-ment (reconciliation) to occur, there must be a payment for sin.
Whether it is the sacrifice of Jesus, or judgment on the wicked, there must be consequences of sin.
Lev. 16 shows that there must be separation between the wicked and the righteous.
In the 1st Resurrection on The Day of Atonement, when that separation occurs, the saints will be united with Christ in the marriage supper, while the wicked will continue to suffer judgment during the Wrath. The wicked will be sacrificed.
Both the reconciliation and the judgment will occur on the Day of Atonement.
Therefore the better definition of Atonement = Repay.
The wicked will be repaid for their wickedness. The saints will be repaid for their righteousness.
In the context of the day of the 1st resurrection on the Day of Atonement, there will be one year (before it) + 41.5 days after it, of which many extremely wicked people will be sacrificed/slaughtered by The Hand of God and by his holy angels & the 2 witnesses and his chosen military armies on Earth.
Rev. 19:1-9 Marriage Supper
"Righteousness according to the law" traditionally wrongfully translated to hide the fact that obedience to God is still required in the New Covenant time era.
Isa. 1:10-18 But "the law" isn't just commands. It's the natural law of Love/righteousness.
God says "I hate the feast days" because the people were doing the holy days just only by command, while being hypocrites and mistreating the poor, etc.
What God wants from us is what all of the law is based upon, how to correctly treat God and other people, which the law teaches us.
Isaiah 1 isn't saying to not observe God's commanded holy days. It's just saying that being a true Christian is much more than "requirements of law".
Full sermon audio: https://soundcloud.com/isawthelightministries/oct-05-2022-day-of-atonement-deep-meaning-yom-kippur