Feb. 19, 2022 (18th day of 11th biblical month)
Matt. 6:19-34 Seek not first material things, money, clothes, rent, economy, riches, finances, education, schools, college, etc.
:21 where your treasure is, that's where your heart is.
The people who constantly talk about how everyone else is greedy and selfish are the most greedy and selfish people that I know.
People who choose a job over and above God, rather than obeying God in the Sabbath, are the same type of people who will agree to say that they worship Assad in order to stay alive.
They sell their birthright even as Esau did.
They sell their soul to the devil.
(ELELUJE! We received a powerful divine confirmation to this during the live sermon broadcast! Our sister Jamaica was listening and testified that earlier this morning, she had written very similar words in relation to the vaccine and Esau sold his birthright! Wow! Confirmations to the sermons are almost every week! And yet people easily and often leave this ministry after witnessing these constant miracles!)
Especially in the USA right now, when it's easier to get a job now more than ever before in my entire life. Many companies are offering large amounts of money for people to come work for them. So the fear of losing a job, or the fear of not having enough money, is no acceptable excuse for breaking the Sabbath. And even if this was not the situation, there still wouldn't be any acceptable excuse. I worked many years at different jobs and was always able to get the Sabbath off from work. And I have only seen 2 people who lost their jobs because of refusing to work the Sabbath. That's out of me being a pastor for 16 years and having also kept the Sabbath for 36 years!
And people who receive the COVID "vaccines", are people who are easily brainwashed/programmed by the New World Order. Therefore they also sell their soul to the devil.
Both groups of people do not put God first in their lives.
Matt. 10:11-28, 34-41 Must be willing to forsake family, friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives, jobs, lands, houses, anything and everything for God.
You absolutely will lose family & friends because of your acceptance of truth. But there's no acceptable excuse to not witness to your family and friends.
You must be willing to give your life for Jesus.
You must be willing to carry your cross for Jesus. This means that being a Christian requires much more than just believing in Jesus and being a good person. You must witness. You must plant seeds of the word of God. You must obey God. You must repent of sins. You must grow in truth and in spirit. You must mature. You must change. You must be baptized. You must keep the 10 Commandments. You must observe the biblical Holy Days. You must put GOD first in all things. You must be willing to forsake anyone and anything for GOD if needed to do so.
God does not want an audience! The people gathered at the mountain to enter into a covenant/contract!
Jesus is looking for commitment.
I did a sermon a long time ago that said that Jesus doesn't want just fans. But rather real followers.
A "Christian" is not really a Christian unless he or she commits to Jesus.
It's not enough to just believe. Commitment is required!
We don't have time to not be serious about salvation.
Also, in addition to salvation, people should also be seeking divine favor and protection for the extremely dangerous Great Tribulation that is at the door! You won't receive such divine favor or protection if you are not committed to Christ.
God will absolutely harshly judge people who reject him and his commandments, and his true prophets and true pastors and deacons and administrators of the true church.
Deut. 11 and Deut. 28 promises blessings on the people who obey the Commandments. But curses on people who disobey them.
1 John 2:3-4 People who say they know Christ, but don't keep his Commandments, they are liars. This is what the bible says!
Matt. 28:20 commands.
John 6:53 Passover communion is a commandment. It's required. But can't do that unless you are baptized in truth in Jesus name.