1st day of Purim
Matthew 7:21–27 House built on sand.
Such people fall away, they fall off the cliff with the weak house.
We must be well rooted in Christ Jesus and his truth.
But most people are well rooted in Baby-lon religion.
:24 is compared to verse 22-23 Babylonian false preachers who worked great miracles by demonic witchcraft powers and did not obey Christ.
Verse 24 the wise acts on the words of Christ, meaning, obeys Christ and his commandments.
In context, the people who built their salvation on the foundation of disobedience, the lack of law, not observing Sabbath, etc, those people will be destroyed.
And the preachers who led them to destruction, will be destroyed with them.
The television evangelist empires will collapse.
A strong foundation includes knowledge & understanding of the Old Testament as well as the New Testament.
Jesus & the apostles quoted the Old Testament constantly.
Eph. 2:19-22 household/church built on apostles (NT) and prophets (OT).
Matt. 24:4-5, 11, 23-28
Assad and both popes will soon work many large miracles. Don't be deceived by those miracles, because they are not the work of God. But rather, the work of Satan.
2 Thes. 2:9-12
If you are well rooted in Christ, the pre-trib rapture deception event (The Strong Delusion of 2 Thes. 2) won't deceive you, because you know the bible enough to know that it's impossible for Christ to return until after the very end of the Great Tribulation.
And you won't be deceived by the great miracles of Satan.
As I said on Social Media yesterday, before baptism, people must first build a strong foundation of elementary basic knowledge and understanding. They must test themselves about what they believe and why. They must take time to study and think deeply and ask tough questions. They must make positive and absolute and correct determination concerning what is true and what's not true.
It's foolish for people to ask me for baptism on the same day that they find the ministry.
Before people send me questions, they need to first read the bible to search for the answers, and read and search the website for their answers. I have people from all over the world asking me questions. I am here to serve you. I am here to serve the people. But I am not always going to be here for everyone. We are going to lose electric and internet. The website won't always be available. It will disappear in the Great Tribulation. People need to learn to depend on the bible for their answers.
How do you observe Purim? Look it up in the bible! What does it say about how they observed Purim in the bible? There's your answer!
Do your own bible reading and studying. Don't depend on me to baby feed you. If after you have searched the bible, and searched the website, and still can't find your answer, then please contact me. I am here to serve you. But I don't appreciate laziness. So please search the bible and the website first.
Full sermon audio: https://soundcloud.com/isawthelightministries/mar-16-2022-build-strong-foundation-purim-2022