I have developed the- shingles and seek prayer--- that
this attack from satan will leave me for good never to appear again ever.
Your First Name: Jordan
Prayer Request: Please pray for me and my family for God's Will to be
done in our lives and let us accept Thy Will. Amen
two weeks ago my car went bad now im left stranded I cant go to work
or church.
so please pray for me that God will grant me the finances to buy
a new car in Jesus name. thank you
Major Confirmations and Clarification on Sacred Names Article:
GOD had already led me to write and explain how that the Scriptures had originally been
written in True Old-Paleo Hebrew but was translated into the Aramaic language
sometime during the Assyrian or Babylonian Captivity.
Thus, when they did that, they inserted the names of their babylonian witchcraft god known as YHWH, yah, jah and yahweh.
i had already given TONS of solid undeniable proof of this.
GOD has now given me three more major confirmations of this.
New Confirmation #1= What does "Aramaic" mean?
It means "Syrian"!
Aram is just another ancient name for Syria.
Aram is Aramiac or Syrian.
New Confirmation #2= Concerning when Ptolemy of Egypt was going to translate
the Bible into Greek,
The respected Jewish historian, Josephus, said in his
book "The Antiquities of The Jews" Book 12, Chapter 2,
(page 309 in my copy which is copyright 1987 Hendrickson Publishers)
"...will cause no small pain in getting them translated into the Greek tongue: (15) that the character in
which they are written seems to be like to that which is the proper character of
the Syrians, and that its sound, when pronounced, is like to theirs also...".
New Confirmation #3: The modern Hebrew (square) script is called
"Ashuri", "Ashuri" is the Hebrew name for Assyrian, the name being used to
signify the ancestor of the Assyrians, Ashur the son of Shem, the son of Noah
(Genesis 10:22).
i had previously already written about Asshur and his
connections with our modern day King of Syria, son of perdition.
The website
the scriptures were translated from true Hebrew into Syrian (aramaic) during the babylonian
captivity and that what everyone is calling Hebrew is actually a form of
Therefore, Strong's concordance, in the Old Testament dictionary part of it,
doesn't point to true Hebrew.
It points to the Syrian tongue. The tongue of
the Son of Perdition, who is part Jewish yet Syrian.
This issue is directly related to bashar assad, president of Syria, being the Son of Perdition.
When people use "jehovah, yehovah, yahovah, yahweh, yah, jah, yhwh, yeshua, yahsua,
etc", they are invoking anti-Christ spirits upon themselves thereby
bringing them into bondage to witchcraft and the spirit of babylonian confusion. Those
that are not delivered from this spirit, will eventually
deny Christ in one form or another. i have heard of many people rejecting the New Testament and
Christ and the New Covenant and completely converting to judaism.
i have personally witnessed how that the sacred names and hebrewic roots followers are
blinded to much truth.
See full article at http://www.isawthelightministries.com/sacrednames.html
New Article; GOD's Created Calendar.
When to start the new months and new year.
This is a CORRECTED understanding.
i will no longer be calculating the start of the year by abid barley ALONE, but rather i will also
consider Spring equinox.
Also, now GOD has increased understanding that the
new day starts at twilight, BEFORE sunrise, not at sunrise.
For proof of these things, please see the article, also, Holy Day dates for 2014-2018 and
blood moon dates are now listed at
corrected article: http://www.isawthelightministries.com/daystarts.html
Blood Moon Tetrad and Solar Eclipses, Signs of the Times:
Yesterday, Nov.3, 2013 Last day of 8th Biblical month.
Daylight Savings Time ended.
Comet Ison crossed Earth's Orbitual path.
Comet became visible to binoculars.
Extremely rare total solar eclipse on Eastern USA
Seaboard. It is called a Hybrid H3 n- Type.
This is only the 3rd H3 N- Solar Eclipse since Christ.
It is the ONLY one since the time of Christ that has ever preceded a Tetrad within about 160 days of each other. Today, Nov. 4, 2013 is the first day of the 9th Month of GODs Calendar. We are
now in the 9th Month.
This extremely rare solar eclipse ended one season of
prophetic time and now begins a new season of Prophetic Time.
On Passover 2014, April 14-15, we will see a Total Lunar Eclipse on April 15, 2015.
On The First Day of The Feast of Tabernacles Oct. 8, 2014 we will see ANOTHER Total
Lunar Eclipse.
On March 20, 2015, on the Day of Spring Equinox, we will see a
Total Solar Eclipse. The Jews believe the first day of the year begins at sunset
March 20, 2015, The Day of the Solar Eclipse.
On Passover, April 3-4, 2015, we will see a Total Lunar Eclipse on April 4, 2015.
On Feast of Trumpets Sept. 13, 2015, we will see a partial solar eclipse.
On Feast of Tabernacles, Sept.27-28, 2015, we will see a Total Lunar Eclipse on Sept. 28, 2015.
The 4 total lunar eclipse's on the Holy Days of Our LORD are being called by people
"The Blood Moon Tetrad".
We must understand that these "blood moons" are NOT
what John and Joel wrote about in the Scriptures concerning the moon turning to
That occurs in the 6th Seal of The Book of Revelation.
Passover 2015, the first of the blood moon tetrads, is too early to see the fulfillment
of the 6th Seal.
We have experienced these blood moon tetrads before. But
everytime there is a blood moon tetrad, there is a major event for Israel within
or less than a year.
1493 and 1494, Jews were expelled from Spain.
1949 and 1950 came right after the nation of Israel was born in 1948.
1967 and 1968 it was linked to the Six-Day War.
Quote: "“Two happened right in a row at the time of destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. and on feast days,” Biltz told WND.
“Around eight months before the Temple was destroyed we find on
10/18/69 there was a partial lunar eclipse on the Feast of Sukkot. A total solar
eclipse followed this on Nisan 1-3/30/70, the beginning of the religious year.
Two weeks later there was a penumbral lunar eclipse on Passover on 4/14/70. An
annular solar eclipse followed this on Rosh Hashanah on 9/23/70. Then another
penumbral lunar eclipse on Sukkot on 10/8/70,” Biltz continued.
“This would be totally unbelievable, if it wasn’t verified by the NASA. But that’s not all.
Then there was another partial lunar eclipse on Purim the following year on
3/4/71,” END QUOTE.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/weekend-sky-to-feature-heavenly-sign/
i do believe firmly, that this blood moon tetrad is a sign of major events
for Israel and for all nations.
The total solar eclipse of Nov. 3, 2013 must
be considered within the framework of this blood moon tetrad which also includes
these other solar eclipses i have listed.
So we are NOW in this timeframe.
In fact, we now see how that Israel is very close to attacking Iran in order
to prevent Iran from being able to attack Israel with nuc lear cabability.
Fmr. IAEA Official: Iran Could Soon Be Able to Build Nukes in Just Two
The Dam's Prophecy will be fulfilled soon which will lead to WW3 and the
invasion of Israel and then the invasion of the British Commonwealth and
Another Confirmation of falls falling.
Space Ghost episode: Dec. 5, 1997.
China reveals details of Invasion of America.
Taiwan Dept. of Defense Says China Could Defeat U.S. Allies, Launch Invasion by 2020
Moscow Conducts Large-Scale Nuclear Attack Drill
Top Generals: Obama ‘Purging’, ‘Emasculating’ The Military.
Obama is purposely weakening America to prepare America for the Invasion.
Read more about the coming Chinese/Russian Invasion of Israel, British
Commonwealth and America
See What will happen to lead up to it
Beware of Images of "Jesus"
Experts warn of dangers in Fukushima nuclear reactor fuel rods clean-up
If a religion is named after a man, it's a cult. if a ministry is named
after a man, it's a cult. Do we have a religion named "pauleran"? NO. If you
have the Holy Spirit of Christ within you, you are a CHRISTian.
We should never identify ourselves by any of man's traditional cults/denominations. if
they require you to show id or any kind of paperwork to join their church, it's
a cult. PERIOD.
Partial list of cults: baptist, pentecostal, holiness,
catholic, lutheran, morman, jehovah witness, seventh day adventist, hebrew roots
movements, church of science, church of Christ, Church of God, islam
and hundred's more. if your religion has any name other than CHRISTIAN it's a
cult. Christ is NOT divided.
See the History of your religion
Our race never makes us better than anyone else. All races are equal. All
nations were created from ONE blood line (Acts 17:26). adam & eve was the
parents of all living.
There is NO such thing as an race of people who are
doomed to hell. Or a bloodline that automatically makes a person or group of
people as evil.
Everyone has free choice to decide to Follow GOD or not.
Don't believe the lies and propaganda against the Jews and Israel! Yes, they
have wicked leaders. But so does America and every nation.
We are no better than they are. It is NOT the Jews controling all wickedness on Earth and leading
the NWO. It is the 666: 3 groups/multitudes of man: Nazi's, Muslims and Communist.
Those are NOT races. Those are religions.
Learn more about how John wrote about these three groups of man. http://www.isawthelightministries.com/mark.html
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