Madeline could hit main island Wednesday.
Tropical threats to NC, Fla and Hawaii.
USA Says Turkish Invasion of Syria, Under American Air Cover, Turns Out to Be Helping Isis & Destroying American Allies
Says actions of Turkey Unacceptable!
Looks like another reason for the eventual end of the American Turkish friendship. USA has been working with Turkey for around 2 years to plan this invasion. Now, it turns out that Turkey has betrayed America & used our own Air Force to do so! We must be the laughing stock of the world!
Obama to meet with Turkish president Sept.4
Iran Deploys Long-Range Missiles To Protect Fordo Nuclear Site
Facebook Owner/Founder Meets with False Prophet Pope Francis
Clemson University Stops Man From Offering To Pray For Others On Campus: ‘Not A Free Speech Area’
This is America. This entire nation is a Free Speech Zone! I guarantee you that they would not restrict muslim prayers!
Man Arrested For Adding Hydrochloric Acid To Lubricant Dispenser In Sydney, Australia Gay Club
Why is there a "lubricant dispenser" in a nightclub? The answer is obvious. Homosexuality is not about love. It's about sex.
Is Cosmetics (Make-up) Acceptable To The Almighty Creator?
Sept.11 Anniversary Falls on Islamic Holiday This Year
Just something to be watching. We know that the muslims would like nothing better than another 911 on this anniversary. The only question is: Will the authorities be able to stop them? Maybe so, maybe not. We shall see.