Turkish Army Thrusts Deeper Into Syria
Muslims Proclaim When the Hidden Mahdi is Revealed, There Will be a Hand Visible in the Sky & a Voice from the Sky
(as well as Jesus descending from the sky. There are also other reports that say the Mahdi will ride on a cloud)
Tropical Depression Forms Near Carolina's. Heavy Rains Coming to American Gulf Coast.
Clinton Immigration Plan Would Bring 1 Million Muslims Into USA In First Term (Not counting Syrian, Russian & Chinese Soldiers)
Hiker Dies Because Used Smartphone App Instead of Map
People need to return to paper maps, books & real bibles rather than computer technology. We now have an entire generation of Americans that don't know how to use a paper map & never opens a real bible.
The Assyrian Origin Of The So Called "Star of David"
Confirmations of Yesterdays' Sermon:
Yesterday's sermon was "GOD Turns People Over to What They Choose: Free Will".
I shared Isa.8 & Isa.30 where it says that people had rejected the gentle waters/river (voice, truth & leading) of JE & therefore HE turned them over to the rushing, harsh waters of the storms and breaking dams. I also said that predestination is NOT that GOD has chosen whether or not we get saved, but that we make our own choices. We choose life or death. We either accept His Way or we reject it.
Later that evening, we watched a movie called "The River Within". In the beginning of the movie, It said that when he was a child that the "Harper Dam" broke! Of course, Harper starts with the letter H as in Hoover, as in the "Prophecy of the Dams" that I have been speaking about for several years. The moral of the story of the movie is that we should love one another & that we should listen to the gentle voice of Jesus who is trying to guide us and lead us in the right path. In the end of the movie, it says "We were created for a reason, a purpose. It may not be what we planned when we were younger. The CHOICES we make may alter how we reach it......" "if we don't pay attention, we may miss it completely. But GOD is always there, working in the world around us. He's waiting for us to take our own dreams, talents & fears & join Him in what He is doing".
I researched the word "predestination" & discovered the more correct translation would be something like "pre-surveyed". To survey is to mark out the land, determine the land borders. Acts 17:26 (kjv) says "And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation". I also quoted this verse in the sermon concerning the fact that all people came from the same blood, therefore that bloodlines do not really matter. But this verse perfectly explains predestination. HE planned ahead of time where we would be born, who our parents would be, who we would meet, etc. But HE did NOT set into concrete what we would choose. He gave every person and every creature free will to choose his way or the wrong way & life or death. For example, Judas who betrayed Jesus. Jesus saw before the foundation of the world that Judas would on his own accord choose to have the lust of money and a heart of betrayal. Therefore JEsus ordained that Judas would be the one who betrayed Him. Jesus put Judas in the right time and place for it to occur. But Judas made his own decision to betray Jesus. He did not have to do it. GOD places us in times & places to present to us choices that we must make. We make those choices. We can accept His gentle voice of the best path and good rivers. OR we can choose the strong, harsh raging floods of war, destruction, islam, homosexuality, pre-trib rapture lie, witchcraft, unbelief, etc. Whatever we choose, He will try to lead us away from the danger at first. But after we have proven ourselves self-determined to disobey Him and to follow our OWN path, He eventually turns us over to what we have freely chosen and let's us have what we want and all of the deadly consequences that come with our bad choices. And that's the state of the world today. GOD didn't bring about all of the death and destruction and misery on this Earth. WE did. Mankind brought it all about via our pride, vanity and rejection of His righteous leadership. The people have chosen Obama. They have chosen Clinton. They have chosen Trump. They have chosen all of the wickedness on this planet and the consequences which include the "Strong Delusion" which is Assad appearing in the sky. People have chosen the trinity, xmas, easter god appearing in the sky before the tribulation, Therefore that's exactly what they will get in Assad & all of the consequences.
Learn more about the Strong Delusion at