Russia Suggests They Might Use Incirlik Airbase in Turkey
Even this happens, it will be a HUGE development! Russian Jets active in a military campaign from the exact same base as NATO & USA troops & nukes! Even if it does not happen, just the Russians talking about the possibility is huge! We must realize something else! Sooner or later, All of the islamic communist nations, Russia, Iran, Syria AND TURKEY will cooperate in the Assad Assyrian Empire. So whether it's this year or next year or later, the Incirlik airbase WILL become totally hostile & in offensive war mode against ALL American troops all across the world. It's only a matter of time. We WILL LOSE the Incirlik airbase & the troops there ARE in danger.
Turkish Newspaper Tweets "Give Turkey Your Nuclear Weapons at Incirlik Air Base or Turkey will Take Them!"
The newspaper is the 10th most circulated paper in Turkey. It is NOT an official government owned paper. But it is a hard line supporter of the Turkish president. It has been allowed to continue to operate despite the president shutting down many other papers. The American nukes based in Turkey are capable of self destruction in the event of a take over attempt but would require authorization which is in doubt considering inside islamic control of the American military.
Russian Military Massing Troops, Preparing for Eventual War/Invasion of Ukraine
House Republicans Outline Their Case Against Hillary Clinton For Perjury
Don't expect a miracle in this case.
Freeing the Enemy: Obama Administration Announces Single Largest Transfer Of Guantanamo Inmates
Obama Set to Hand Over Internet to International Powers In Two Months
Japan Plans to Eventually Deploy Missiles that will Reach South China Sea Islands