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Doing Your Part
One of the most important revelations that Jesus has ever given me is the fact that Bashar Assad, as a fallen angel, is going to appear in the Temple of GOD in Heaven & will appear in the sky, presenting himself as God, thus creating the Strong Delusion that he is God/Christ/Jesus coming in the sky. People all across the world, Muslims, Christians & atheists, will witness this event & will run out into the streets worshipping him. We MUST WARN THE PEOPLE!!!!
I am only one person with extremely limited funds. The large popular ministry (false prophet) websites do not allow me any voice. Therefore I can only do so much.
I need your help in warning many more people.
-I am asking EVERY person who has a Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or other social media account, to post the Strong Delusion article every day for the next 7 days.
-I am also asking for EVERY PERSON who reads this newsletter, to please email & forward the article to EVERYONE on your email list.
-I am also asking, for EVERY person who has a printer & ink (or order a free copy from me), to please print the Strong Delusion flyer & personally give it OR MAIL IT to every person that you know, who you cannot contact via social media or email. (other than perhaps your coworkers & boss. You have to use wisdom)
-I am also asking for EVERY person who can print the Strong Delusion flyer (or order a copy) to mail a copy to every church in your local town/city that you can find the address for, or insert into an envelope and tape to the church door. (Label it: "To the Pastor. In Jesus Name").
-If you want, you can also distribute these flyers & many other types of flyers from the website in your local community gatherings, parked cars, people walking on the sidewalk, etc.
-I am also asking for EVERY person to send/mail/give a copy of the "Dr. Bronner's Satanic Pure Castile Soap" article to every local health food store in your community.
-I am asking that you keep & maintain a list of every church and business that you contact, for future mailings.
-I am asking that you use your tithes for your postage, printing, ink, paper, envelopes, ads, etc.
-I am asking that you please pray before, during & after each task.
-Anyone that wants to run a small simple ad in their local newspaper, in any section, or in the classifieds, or in a national or local magazine, that will alert people about the Strong Delusion, or to just generally invite people to the ministry website I greatly encourage you to do so, and grant you permission to advertise on the behalf of this ministry for the work of The Kingdom.
Sample small ads: "Prove All Things"
"The Strong Delusion Revealed""
"The Antichrist Revealed""
"The Mark of the Beast is in (name of your local town)"
-Remember that no matter how much people laugh at you, mock you & persecute you, You are delivering the Words of JEsus Christ. You are delivering a very urgent message that COULD possibly prevent SOMEONE, EVEN ONE PERSON from ignorantly worshipping a demon in the sky when Assad appears in the Temple of GOD just like the Bible says WILL happen, Not Long from now! You were chosen for this day & time & this end time work!
-If ANYONE has the money to personally run a large ad in your local newspaper, an exact copy of the "Strong Delusion" flyer, you have my permission to do so & you can use your tithes to do so. (This would be hundreds of dollars, perhaps over a thousand dollars for one day for an ad this large. NOT too expensive to prevent one person from worshipping Assad!)
-May JE-sus ALmighty The Alpha & Omega Bless EVERY person who completes any of these requested evangelism tasks.
-If you do not have a printer (or ink), these flyers can be ordered for free at
-Free copies of articles can be requested at
-If anyone wants to directly help this worldwide ministry financially can find out more information about how at