With Isis mostly defeated, the Russian, Iranian & Syrian militaries remain inside Syria, while the USA, Kurdish & "rebel" forces also remain in Syria. This is a hotbed for WW3! Now that the focus is no longer on isis, it can & WILL return to being a war more against Assad himself. The timing is right. We're in the 3rd trimester and everything is primed. NO ONE is pulling out. They know they are going to eventually fight each other. People need to wake up & smell the coffee. The time of greatest tribulation is NOT far away. The prophecies of JESUS are going to be fulfilled. Prepare now. Repent of Sunday worship, Christmas, Easter and other pagan, lawless ways!
Russia Calls Iranian Presence in Syria 'Legitimate' as Putin Hugs Assad
In Possible Nod To Israel, Two Top Saudi Officials Visit Paris Synagogue
More coexistence between Judaism, Islam & the Catholic Church as Assad's one world religion takes over the world.
Islamic Conference in Virginia Decries USA As “Land Of Infidels,” Says Americans Should Be “Forced” To Accept The Koran
Turkey: Pro-Government Columnist Says Turkey Will Fight NATO, Turkish Conflict with USA Inevitable
Event ‘Consistent With An Explosion’ Near Last Known Location Of Missing Sub – Argentine Navy
Zimbabwe: More Of The Same For Suffering Zimbabwe?
The new president isn't new at all. He stood beside Mugabe for decades!
People need to MAKE sure that free and fair elections take place as soon as possible & get rid of ALL of Mugabe's people!
The Struggle is NOT Over
Vietnam Vets Infected With Parasites, Cause of Cancer and Vietam War Sicknesses
Please share this with all of your Vietnam Vet family and friends!
They need to detox with fasting and diatomaceous earth, apple cider vinegar, black walnuts, nutmeg, cinnamon, aloe vera juice.
Philippines: Duterte: We Will Arrest Communist Rebels, Including 'Legal Fronts'
Residents of Swedish Muslim Neighborhoods Afraid To Leave Their Homes
The Son of Perdition (Antichrist) CANNOT Be A Pope
A lot of people think that the pope must be the antichrist.
As I recently wrote in the new article about NEOM, Rome was NOT part of the ancient Babylonian empire. Therefore Rome cannot be the city of Babylon.
Therefore, the "pope" also cannot be the Son of Perdition (antichrist) for the same reason! The antichrist MUST be located in the Babylon empire and in all empires of the statue/image of Daniel 2, and in all 7 empires of Rev 13. 7 heads means 7 empires. Rome was not in all 7 major middle eastern empires. I believe only Syria & Iraq were. I have to research more. But Rome is definitely impossible for the antichrist and the city of Babylon. However, the office of false prophet can still come from Rome since that second beast of Rev 13 does NOT have 7 heads. He is represented with one head and 2 horns. The only nation with 2 kings is the Vatican. Many nations have both a president and prime minister. But we must have a Roman component/part in the end time antichrist empire because the Daniel 2 legs of Rome represents the Roman empire, and that same iron continues into the feet and toes which represent the end time evil empire. So Rome must be included in the antichrist empire, but CANNOT be the main king (the antichrist) since Rome was not located in the head of gold Babylonian empire. The fact that the Vatican now has 2 popes = 2 kings = 2 horns with one office/nation/Vatican and the need for a Roman component, proves that both popes are the false prophet and not the actual antichrist. Prophets are seen as religious figures as the popes are better known as religious figures. The antichrist in the bible is seen as more of a king in the sense of a political figure, but who also has great religious connection. Assad published his own Koran and is known to visit Catholic churches on Christmas. The popes promote Islam. The Catholic church is Islam and is a daughter of Islam. So it makes perfect sense to have the final antichrist empire to be a mix of islam and the Roman Catholic church. This is also represented in the mixture of iron and clay. But the mixture also represents a mixture of humans and fallen angels.
MUST be 3 men:
If the Son of Perdition is a pope, he still must have 2 other men (2 horns) stand beside of him, and we can't have 3 popes. The antichrist MUST be Assyrian and from the old Babylonian empire, and all 7 empires, which means it can't be the pope.
All Glory to The FATHER in JESUS name.