As Usual, More News Reports will be posted throughout the day as WORTHY news becomes available. The newest will be posted at the top.
Iranian General of the highest rank dies in Syria fighting for Assad.
Iowa: Governor signs proclamation for ‘Muslim Recognition Day’, opens with Muslim prayer at Capitol.
Turkey President cannot attain enough power.
This crushes some people's theory that he is the son of perdition (antichrist).
Iran arming Taliban in Afghanistan.
U.S. Is Poised to Put Heavy Weaponry in Eastern Europe. Provoking Russia & their allies to eventually attack America. WW3. Gog Magog War.
The Man's Domain:
After months of delay, I Saw The Light Ministries has now released/published the new website for our new men's ministry outreach. The purpose of this new ministry is to reach men who have not yet accepted JEsus Christ or perhaps have not yet accepted many truths, AS WELL as to help our Christian Brothers in Christ to be better Husbands, Dad's and Leaders. This new website is sort of a Man's Cave, a website intended for men only. No offense ladies, but this is for men. Hunting, Fishing, Tools, Music, working out, sexual issues, circumcision and other men's issues. This website is still a work in progress. Many of the pages need much more to be added later. But I am releasing it now in hopes that we will have volunteers for writing articles, etc. It's got to start somewhere's. You can also subscribe to a special text/email alert to be notified of updates and improvements. Men, Please check it out today at