If you read the entire article, you will get the bigger picture, that the power plant plagued with problems.
Isis to strike in the USA at any time. Preparing the people.
Rick Warren holds hands with Elton John, says if they kissed, it would be the kiss heard around the world.
Tropical Storm Ana makes landfall in South Carolina
Porn and video game addicts risk masculinity crisis
Flat Earth Theory Refuted
The Truth about Jade Helm & Walmart
Fake News Stories of the Week
More Fake Prophecy:
Ok, Now I've got MORE ridiculous conspiracy theories to rebuke! The latest fable going around Facebook is that an asteroid will hit Earth around Sept. 21-29, 2015, thereby ushering in the pre tribulation rapture. And others declare those dates as the beginning date of the great tribulation, based on obama and the pope meeting on that date and some stupid made up torah bible code. frown emoticon Maybe I could get some real work done if I didn't have to keep stopping to address these false prophet insane statements. But it seems that the work of a true servant of GOD is not only to declare what GOD is saying and declaring, but also to warn against all the false prophets and hoaxes & decoys. But if people would just seek Holy Spirit Discernment!!!!! AND Study the Bible and spend more time in prayer and Bible study than on the internet reading all the misinformation put out there by the leftish to make us look like fools.
There is NO such thing as a "Bible Code".
See why it's impossible for obama to be the son of perdition (antichrist)
See why it's impossible for there to be a pre-tribulation rapture
See why it's too early for asteroids to hit the Earth, other than meteors that vaporize in the air, like they do every night.
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