Sept. 10, 2022 (14th of 6th biblical month)
Isa. 46:8-11
God has planned the end from the beginning.
:10 counsel = plan
:11 "bird from the east" compare with Isa. 45:1, the bird is King Cyprus of the Persian Empire.
The entire context of Isaiah chapters 45-47 is that God promised Israel only 70 years of captivity in the Babylonian Empire and that He would deliver Israel from Babylon by bringing the Persian Empire to conquer the Babylonians.
Isa. 47:1-7
:5 strength (as a Queen)
:7 Princess = ruler/Queen
I was editing and perfecting the translation of the AOB in these verses Thursday and Friday, seemingly unrelated to the passing of Queen Elizabeth.
However, I feel very strongly that it's not coincidence that this was where I was in my works/tasks at this timing in history.
I feel very strongly that it is Jesus using these verses and this timing to speak to us.
I feel Jesus saying that even as Babylon was given 70 years to reign, so was Queen Elizabeth. And that even as Babylon was invaded by Persia, so shall the UK and British Commonwealth be invaded by Persia and their allies in our time, relatively soon.
Queen Elizabeth wasn't a perfect person or perfect Queen, but neither was she that bad either. She sat in King David's throne and is worthy of honour.
Search for "David's throne" at
Although I am frustrated that she greatly weakened the British Empire, as is to be expected from a female ruler, the bottom line is that God had a plan and used the Queen in that plan. It had to happen that the British/Israeli Empire give up land to the gentiles and demonic groups in the middle east, in order for all prophecy to be fulfilled in our time. Syria, Jordan, etc had to be formed, despite the temporary negative consequences, so that mankind can learn many lessons, and God's master plan be fulfilled and God's eternal Kingdom to be established.
I am not saying that Isa. 45-47 says anything about the death of Queen Elizabeth. And I am not saying that the British Empire is Babylon. Because neither of those things are true.
But what I am saying is that God can speak to us in many ways, and He is using these verses to speak to me, and I pass on that message to you.
The message is that in a relative short period of time, (months-years?) the British Empire will fall to the Assyrian Empire with the help of Iran.
And I believe that King Charles will help usher in the end of the British Empire, since he is a communist NWO promoter, a traitor to his nation and to the world.
In June 2020, Prince Charles (now king) promoted the NWO Great Reset at the World Economic Forum.
Nations/empires don't fall/end when there is a righteous/good king, president or prime minister. They always fall during the reign of evil rulers.
Many people believe that Prince Charles (now King) is the end time Son of Perdition antichrist. And now that he is king, their false doctrine is empowered. But that doesn't prove it true. Putin and the president of Turkey are also empowered. And Assad is also empowered. But only Assad fits all biblical requirements to be the final antichrist.
But yes, Charles is evil and will help usher in the end time.
It's interesting that the Queen died in Scotland, as Scotland is extremely important to the historical timeline of the royal family tree and the Confederate flag and other important things that we have discussed in this ministry.
Rainbow: It's also very extremely interesting that a double rainbow appeared over Buckingham Palace shortly before the announcement of her death.
It seems that the rainbow could be God's way of saying possibly 2 things:
-The death of the Queen is important. Perhaps even His blessing on her.
-The ending of a blessing/mercy and the beginning of a curse/judgment. As the rainbow is a symbol of both mercy and judgment.
Full sermon audio:
How to Mourn Queen Elizabeth for 10 days:
(All of this is voluntary but recommended.)
Burn a candle each night, from dark until bed time.
No showering, bathing.
No sex with spouse.
Reduced entertainment.
No cutting or trimming of hair, mustache or beard. Unless shaving them completely off. No shaving of legs, etc.
Try to wear less fancy clothes, dress more plain, dull.
Watch documentaries about Queen Elizabeth. (Not conspiracy theories, but rather historically proven facts.)
Read Bible more.
Wear shoes less.
Allow yourself to cry if feel it coming on.
Watch live funeral if possible.