Now in custody.
Muslim Terrorist Ahmad Khan Rahami Caught Alive
FBI says 5 terrorist stopped and questioned Sunday night near Verrazano Bridge have been released. EVEN THOUGH EARLIER REPORTS SAID THAT THEIR VAN WAS PACKED WITH BOMB MAKING MATERIALS AND THEY WERE HEAVILY ARMED. AND EVEN RECENT REPORTS SAY THAT ONE OF THE PEOPLE IS RELATED TO Ahmad Khan! New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says authorities are not looking for any other individual at this time in explosion investigation! FBI says 'no indication' there is terror cell operating in New York City. Can you say "MUSLIM PRESIDENT IN CONTROL"?!
Thank JE-sus that I realize that all of this extreme wicked corruption is about to end when JEsus Almighty brings the Russian & Chinese Armies into America. Bring them Father JEsus, We deserve it!
Learn what the Bible says about the coming Russian/Chinese invasions of America, Israel & the British Commonwealth:
Obama Administration "Accidentally" Grants Citizenship to 800 Immigrants with Security Concerns
Russia 'To Revive The KGB'
US Navy Requiring All Sailors to Undergo Transgender Education by July 2017
Turkish Military Plans To Invade & Occupy 5,000-Sq-Km Area Of Syria
They already control 900 sq km.
Do you really think that this is NOT going to cause WW3? Are you are so ignorant? Russia, China & Iran have publicly stated repeatedly that they will defend Assad even with WW3 & nuclear weapons. They are not bluffing.
More Thoughts on The Day of Atonement Watch Announcement from Newsletter of Sept.17, 2016:
Have you ever received a wedding invitation that did not declare the date?
Will the Groom know the date of the wedding but the bride not know?