Obama is praising this newest deal as something wonderful, but we have seen so many other deals come and go without any real lasting success. There is really nothing new about the details of this deal other than perhaps more cooperation between Russia & the USA against isis. But that does nothing to bring peace between Assad & all the different rebel groups. If anything, this deal only strengthens Assad because it is prophesied by the ancient muslim prophecies that the Mahdi who is the end time Syrian leader, will have victory against those who wage war against him. So any deal that helps to defeat isis, will strengthen Assad's claim of deity.
Tomorrow is Sept. 11, The Anniversary of When the Muslim Terrorists Attacked The Entire World
Even though they had some inside help from muslims and communists inside the American government and other infiltrators inside America, we must not lose focus that it was an islamic attack against every American and every freedom loving person on the Earth. Every islamic attack is an attack on life itself regardless of your location or belief system. So if you are not an American, you should still remember 911 as an attack against yourself and your family. The publicly declared goal of islam is to conquer the entire world. Truly, 911 was the beginning of an end time era. It should have been a major wake up call. But most people HAVE FORGOTTEN THE LESSON. Now, people embrace islam more than ever before! Even though islam murders people all across the world on a daily basis! Make no mistake about it, islam is the Mark Of The Beast. It is the religion of satan. Yet, the majority of the world now embraces it, just as the Bible said they would! The majority of the world loves wickedness, and hates righteousness. The Judgment of the Great Tribulation WILL COME. And the people deserve EVERYTHING they get. JE-sus is righteous and Just in what HE does. If islam is what people want. Islam is what they will get. JEsus is turning people over to what they have freely chosen. You made your bed. Now lay in it. Drink the Cup of His Wrath. You have freely chosen to drink of it.
On this Sept. 11, Let's Never Forget who started this war against life itself: Satan and his islamic servants, and namely, Bashar Assad who was directly behind 911. Realization is important. Don't stay asleep.
Blessed be JEsus The Christ, the only GOD of Mercy and Justice.