Merlin the cat in NY state.
Athea in Canada.
Ofelia in Philippines.
U.S. Treasury Expands Sanctions on Russia Over Ukraine Conflict
German Official Calls For U.N. Sanctions Against Assad
Islamic State's Military Retreat in Iraq/Syria Raises Risk Of Terror Attacks In Other Nations
40,000+ Iranian Security, Intelligence And Propaganda Forces in Latin America
Los Angeles Skyscraper Tops Out as Tallest Western Building
King Cyrus Prophesied by Name in Isaiah
Isa.44:28 and chapter 45 prophesies that King Cyrus of Persia would take over Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. (At the end of the 70 years of Babylonian captivity) This was written around 150 years before Cyrus was even born!!!! Yet it even gives his exact name! This PROVES that Scripture is true! And that GOD is real!
Praise JE-sus!
Warning Against Devotional Bibles
I bought a copy of a "NIV Men's Devotional Bible" in the thrift store the other day for only 0.25 cents. I am throwing it in the trash! The one that i got was copyright 1993 and included writings of wicked men, including but not limited to:
-Tim LaHaye who has led millions/billions of people to worship Assad when he appears in the sky at the "Strong Delusion" of 2 Thes.2.
-Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan religious order of the Roman Catholic Church. This is the demon that Pope Francis named himself after.
-C.S. Lewis, who wrote the witchcraft novel of "The Chronicles of Narnia" & said many outrageous blasphemous things.
-Billy Graham who said on national television that people can come to know GOD without JEsus, and who turned over his converts to the Jehovah Witnesses and all kinds of other cults who were ready to deceive the new converts behind stage at all of his events. And who refused to teach people about the baptism requirement of Mark 16:16 & Acts 2:38.
My criticism of this Men's Devotional Bible is not limited to the NIV, but rather ANY devotional bible or book of any translation or language that includes the multiple writings of such wolves in sheep clothing. The exact same problem exists in other translations. Always be careful about these specialty bibles!
Hurricanes & 5.6 Quakes Warning: Judgment to be Doubled the Third Time
Recently, we experienced two tropical Hurricanes/Tropical storms affecting the east coast and/or gulf coast of America. AND two Hurricanes/storms around Hawaii. And now two 5.6 earthquakes. The 5.6 quake in Oklahoma TIED the record with another 5.6 quake years ago as being the strongest on record for that area. The fact that it was a tie, is a DOUBLE sign such like the storms in both the Atlantic and Pacific. Just 9 hours before the Oklahoma quake, there was another 5.6 off the coast of California and it had a depth of 2.2 km which is another double number. The Oklahoma quake was located 22 miles and 44 miles from named cities. There are just TOO MANY doubles in these facts that if we have any common sense or sanity at all, we CANNOT deny that there is something supernatural to all of this. Many people claim that i am insane. But i believe it's the other way around. The whole world has gone insane and i am among the few survivors that have not lost my rational thinking, common sense and GOD given ability to discern and see reality without delusion.
And yes i know that i am supposed to be programmed to always capitalize the letter "i" when referring to myself, as if I were GOD Himself, but i am NOT GOD and i am NOT programmed by the wicked modern society. Whether i capitalize words or even misspell a million words has NOTHING to do with whether or not i am a true servant of GOD JEsus. I could be an awful writer and still be a true follower of GOD.
Back to my point, all of the doubles in these recent events is our Creator poking a finger in our arm, saying "Hey, Pay attention! Wake up! This is not normal. I am warning you to repent for Judgment is coming & it will be doubled the third time, just like the warnings have been doubled the third time". Ezek.21:1-14 Rev.18:6 Isa.40:2, 61:7 Jer.16:18, 17:18
Concerning the book of Jasher
I have always been willing to look at the possibility of other books, or "lost' or forgotten books of the bible. However, we must exercise extreme caution with any such book. They must be in 100% agreement with established scripture. It's okay if they increase our understanding or tell us something that the known scriptures did not tell us. But when they go in contradiction to known established scripture, then we must completely reject them as being fake. I have inspected many such books over the years. And have determined that there are thousands of very evil, fake, books that are very clever attempts to lead us astray. We must be careful!
The book of Jasher that is available in our modern times is in contradiction to scripture. I understand that our known established scripture quotes a book of Jasher. But the book we have today cannot be the real book that is quoted. It's a fake.
Here are some links to proof this. These are not my links and I do NOT endorse every article or page on their websites. But I found these specific articles about Jasher to be dependable.
The Book of Enoch, is also fake and includes many contradictions against scripture. I have known several people who have read the book of Enoch, and EVERYONE of them became either demonic oppressed or possessed or at the very least heavily influenced by false doctrines and false preachers. I very strongly caution against both of these books.
However, we DO KNOW that some real books of the bible were removed and PRESERVED to this day. They are Esdras, Tobit, Judith, additions to Esther, The Book of Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus of the Wisdom of Sirach, Baruch, Epistle of Jeremias, 1-4 Maccabees and the Prayer of Manasseh. And I have personally read all of these and they do NOT contradict scripture. In fact, I am putting them back into the bible in the Alpha & Omega Bible translation that i am still working on. Hope to be finished by the end of October or sooner. But until then, you can read the real, and well known, and well accepted, and well proven forgotten books (which still appear in some bibles to this day) in this link: