Please pray for these:
Maria, Edwin, Eladio, Orlando, Flor
Obama Orders U.S. Government to Accept At Least 10,000 More Syrian Refugees.
They are bringing in as many Russians, Syrians, Chinese, Iranians and other enemies of USA as possible to prepare for the main invasion. They need as many inside operatives as possible.
Crane collapse at Mecca Mosque kills 107 people on anniversary of 911.
Injures over 200 others.
Engineer at the site admits it was an act of God.
We, Followers of JE-sus Christ, do NOT rejoice in the deaths of humans like muslims do.
We do NOT hate humans like muslims do.
This was very clearly a Judgment from The Almighty JE-sus. But we do NOT rejoice in their Judgment.
We pray for the repentance of the muslim people.