Have you read the entire Bible yet?
Do you study the Bible?
Have you ever fasted?
Do you pray daily? Without ceasing? Do you talk with HIM?
Do you Follow JEsus?
Do you Love Truth?
Do you Obey HIM?
What idols are interfering/hindering/holding you in bondage?
What is preventing belief?
What is promoting unbelief?
My goal is to always point you to Truth. JEsus is Truth. All Truth can be found in HIM. Tonight, I simply point you directly to HIM. Pray, Read the Bible, Study the Bible, Fast, Talk to GOD, Listen, Watch for HIS Answers, Obey HIM, Follow HIM, Do good to others, Treat others the way you want to be treated, Help the poor, the needy, reach out. Fear Not. Spread the Truth.
Cry out to The Almighty Father in JEsus Name and Seek and you shall Find. If you have never read the whole Bible, NOW is the time to get started on that goal and then keep reading. If you have never fasted, NOW is the time to start fasting. If you don't pray at least twice a day, every day, NOW is the time to start praying. If you don't talk to JEsus many times throughout the day, NOW is the time to start having a Relationship with HIM. If you don't thank GOD for everything you have, NOW is the time to start being Grateful. If you have never questioned and examined WHY you believe the way you do on EVERY doctrine and questioned all those beliefs/doctrines and tested and re-tested whether those things are true, Then NOW is the time to examine yourself and what you believe and what people have taught you. The devil has deceived the WHOLE world, Rev.12:9, therefore you CANNOT ASSUME that people taught you correctly. Write down EVERY BELIEF, EVERY DOCTRINE. Then prove it wrong AND prove it right. And see which side has more evidence.
Seek and you shall find.
Tonight, in this dark hour, in this dark and wicked world, I point pass the news, and pass what I could tell you about doctrine and Scripture, and point you directly to Christ JEsus. If you won't believe me, Believe HIM, or at least believe for the Work's Sake. John 14:11
Blessed are those who Believe without seeing.
What will it take for you to believe?