Earlier today in the National Weather Service BULLETIN HURRICANE MATTHEW ADVISORY NUMBER 42 @ 11 am Eastern Time, it was announced that Hurricane Matthew temporarily made landfall exactly upon the 33 North Latitude SOUTHEAST OF MCCLELLANVILLE SOUTH CAROLINA.
This is the exact latitude where in 2008 that JE-sus showed me on a map that HE will eventually cut off the United States and eventually everything below the 33 latitude line in the USA will eventually be completely destroyed. This advisory that was issued was #42 which is the number of months of the Great Tribulation. It was at 11 am which is also a prophetic number. Other prophetic numbers were also included in the advisory. Today is also the 7th Day of the Week, the weekly day of commanded Rest and Worship, yet also it's the 7th Day of the 7th Month, thus also a continuation of the foreshadowing of the 7th Trumpet at which time that The Wrath of JEsus will eventually be poured out upon the unrepentant humanity after the Great Tribulation of 1,260 days. The Biblical name of Matthew testifies to the prophetic significance to this Assyrian storm. The death toll in Haiti is over 800 and rising. Some reports are saying only in the 200-300's but those reports do NOT include all provinces of Haiti.
Three tide gauges with long-term historical records along the east coast of USA set all-time records on Friday or Saturday for their highest water level at Fort Pulaski, Georgia, Wilmington, NC and Mayport, FL.
A special balloon sounding launched at 2 am EDT Saturday from Charleston, South Carolina, measured the highest amount of moisture in the air ever recorded there. Balloon soundings of the atmosphere have records extending back to 1948.
Residents of parts of North and South Carolina must be having deja vu this morning, as torrential rains from Matthew are arriving almost precisely one year after the catastrophic deluge that caused $2 billion in damage during the first week of October 2015. Jesus is repeatedly allowing, or perhaps even ordering, the coast line to be hit with record breaking flooding, yet the people remain totally rebellious and refuse to surrender to reality, to HIS Will and to His Prophetic Warnings that these locations WILL BE eventually TOTALLY destroyed and the death toll will be in the millions! What the people are seeing with Hurricane Matthew is only ONE MORE warning and foreshadowing of the main Judgment to come upon the sinful people of the USA.