TOO Good to be true! How long will this fantasy dream last?
Trump is picking the best government team in the history of USA! This can't last much longer. The demons are too upset to allow it.
UPDATE: Well, turns out it MIGHT NOT BE TRUE AFTER ALL. HUCKABEE IS DENYING IT. Perhaps Trump told Israel this, but hasn't asked Huckabee yet? I guess we won't know sure until tomorrow when Huckabee is supposed to meet with Trump. Perhaps Trump will pop the question there and then! Oh, I hope Huckabee says "YES"! Oh the Joy! But all of this is just teasing the American's with false hopes of Peace & prosperity. Someone please pinch me!
Update Aiden's Wife:
She is out of surgery and everything went fine! Praise JEsus. No surprise. Thanks for all of your prayers.
Navy Identifies Mystery Plane In Colorado Nuclear War Training
Trump Secretary Of State Contender, John Bolton, Says Regime Change ‘Only Solution’ In Iran
It has not been decided yet, or at least announced yet, whether Bolton will be part of the Trump administration or not. But Bolton is correct on this issue. Obama had more than one perfect opportunity to create regime change in Iran but refused.
Iran Pressuring Palestinian Jihadists to Resume Terrorism Against Israel
Vietnam Expanding South China Sea Runway
Pakistan Bans All 11 Christian TV Stations, Arrests Cable Operators in Crackdown
Mexican Mayor Arrested After Hundreds Massacred and Cooked in Network of Ovens
We should NOT seek any further delay of the Great Tribulation! We NEED the Great Tribulation to come, so that people will be punished and repent. We need JEsus to come to this Earth and stop all of this evil. He will NOT do that until after the Day of The Lord that people call "the Great Tribulation". Come LORD JEsus!
Woman Investigating Clinton Foundation Crimes, Found Dead!
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