UN Passes Resolution Stating that Jerusalem is illegally Occupied by Israel
Syria, Iran & Russia Will Invade Israel
Remember also that I have said repeatedly that JEsus showed me that the 1967 lines of dispute and the Golan Heights will be part of the push for invasion of Israel.
Canada: Parliament Condemns Free Speech Against islam
Donald Trump’s Plan For His First 100 Days
What an EXCELLENT Plan!!!! I support every detail of this plan. He should add "arrest Obama for High Treason".
However, I do NOT believe that the New World Order of demoncrats, communist and muslims will allow Trump to do ANY of this. Poor man! Poor America! This plan will never be implemented. Obama & President Clinton also have their plan.
2.5 Million People Worldwide Already Signed Petition Urging Electoral College To ‘Make Hillary President’
Will reach well over 3 million before Dec.19 but this includes people signing the petition who are not Americans. Anyone on Earth can sign an online petition even in the middle east.
Pakistan Muslim Terrorist Caught Trespassing at Chicago Water Plant Released And Disappears
E-cigarette Flavorings Contain High Amounts of Cancer Causing Chemicals
Taiwan Could Become First Nation in Asia to Legalize Homosexual Marriage?
If so, they deserve China to invade them! And I will support such invasion!
Anti-Trump Protester Calls For Death and Violence on CNN
She should be arrested!
Happy Veterans Day in USA
I salute all American Veterans who have served our nation with honor. Jesus Bless you.
There should also be a day to salute our American Police! I stand with you as well.
I Salute The Army of THE LORD JESUS
And I salute all of the Army of JEsus Christ, followers of this ministry, that faithfully continue to stand with me in both the good times and the bad times. JEsus bless you! But be aware, even harder tests may be coming to sift the wheat more! Only Jesus can sift out all of the fake friends and fake followers. We need this testing for your protection. And the time will come that some of those that are true may even have to surrender everything they own which will sift out many more fake people. Let the sifting continue! When the hardest times come, We don't need fake friends. Now, nor then. My true family and friends are those that put Jesus first in all things and do the Will of Our Father in Heaven and stand with me at all times. They look pass temporary things and see the larger picture.