What is most interesting to me about the following news is that they met in the city of Babylon, called NEOM. The article doesn't say that. But I have seen other news saying that it was. I don't share those other articles because they are from leftist communist fake news websites. But yes, they met in Neom. There has been other important government meetings there also. So they are trying to push Neom as being a major government center and also more known to the world. And Israel is getting suckered into thinking that they can be friends with Muslims. Watch out Israel!
How to Watch the Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn Dec. 21, 2020
Truth About the Upcoming "Great Reset"
A lot of people are talking about a great "Reset". Yes it's going to happen. But not like how most people are thinking. They are living in fantasy. They think Trump is going to arrest Biden, Soros, the Clintons, etc, but that's only wishful fantasy thinking. Not reality. And many are also wishing for world peace in the next 3 years or less. That's also childish wishful thinking! The reality is that the 'reset' will be a very hard Great Tribulation, full of war/invasion, famine, starvation and disease including much death by viruses. Then finally, AFTER the Great Tribulation, Jesus will come in great anger, killing many more people for their wickedness. He won't be returning with a smile and a hug! READ the bible! This is the great reset that the bible prepares us for!
A Previously Unknown "Mystery Disease" That Causes Sores on the Skin Has Already Spread to 700 People in Africa
Qantas Will Only Let Passengers Who've Had the COVID Vaccine on Their International Flights
Why a Vaccine can't be the Mark of the Beast
The COVID19 vaccine with related phone app tracking is a counterfeit/false mark of the beast. The devil doesn't want the world to really know what the mark of the beast is. He is the leader of deception. Right now, millions, perhaps even a billion or more people are going to think that the mark of the beast will be related to vaccine tracking. It's a trick. Don't fall for the trick! Yes, reject/refuse the vaccine! But the mark of the beast is first and primarily the Babylonian religions, Sunday worship, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jehovah Witnesses, Baptist Church, etc etc etc, all sects of traditional false religion. And the physical aspect of buying and selling is connected to the halal-marked products and Islamic Sharia Law. See proof in these two articles.
Henry Gruver's 1986 Vision of the Invasion of USA
1954 Vision of A. A. Allen, the Invasion of America
George Washington Had a Vision of an End Time Invasion of the United States.
Trump vs Biden
A LOT of fake "Christians" can't say that they support Trump over Biden. If they can't say that, then they need to stop saying that they support God and truth and righteousness. Although Trump is not perfect, as none of are yet, he definitely is one of our main leaders in our spiritual warfare against evil. If you can't see that, you are blind and don't have The Holy Ghost of Jesus and you are NOT saved and have NO right to the title of Christian!
Biden Presidency would cause a US Civil War
I know that Trump will win legally. But if Biden were to ever enter the White House, I would join millions of Americans who would totally reject Biden's validity. It would be civil war. Not another 8 years of Obama! We won't allow it! If we allow them to seize the White House again like Obama illegally did before, they will turn the USA into a communist nation. We must be willing to fight for freedom.
Giuliani Reveals Why Trump Legal Team Issued Statement on Sidney Powell
This is very disappointing. And we must be completely honest with ourselves. It appears that Trump is not going to pursue the foreign connection. This is very bad because Trump should be more bold and fight against the connection with these foreign nations and the voting machines. He should not leave it up to independent lawyers. The government themselves including the President should have a large focus on the foreign interference. That is extremely important and must be exposed and defeated. I'm very disappointed with Trump on this issue. However, we don't see everything. We are only allowed to see some things. But Trump should very strongly, more strongly, publicly fight and expose and destroy the foreign interference!!!
Biden Implicated in Dominion Voting Scam Connected to Serbia
The Serbian Software and the Election Fraud in USA
Trump Tells GSA to Let Biden Transition Begin
OH MY GOD! Trump is losing his back bone!
Paul Ryan Calls on Trump to Concede the Election and End Legal Challenges — Trump Legal Team Responds
Flashback: The 2000 Bush vs Gore Election Outcome
In 2000, George Bush lost every court case against Democrat Al Gore until he finally reached the Supreme Court which declared that he won the election! And it was Al Gore that was contesting the election results!
Circuit Courts have been Reassigned!
Effective November 20, 2020, ordered pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42.
The following conservative Supreme Court Justices have been appointed by Trump to be over these federal court districts! He's doing what's necessary to ensure legal victory!
MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh
WI - Amy Coney Barrett
PA - Samuel A. Alito
GA - Clarence Thomas
Judge Blocks Certification of Pennsylvania Election Results
Google Shifted a 'Minimum' of 6 Million Votes in 2020 Election: Dr. Robert Epstein
Google shifted a "bare minimum" of six million votes in the Nov. 3 presidential election by pushing its political agenda onto its users, a research psychologist has claimed.
"Google search results were strongly biased in favor of liberals and Democrats. This was not true on Bing or Yahoo."
Group Files Emergency Petition in Wisconsin After Identifying 150,000 Potentially Fraudulent Ballots
"Baggies of USBs" - PA Witness Gives Explosive Testimony: I Personally Observed USB Cards Being Uploaded to Voting Machines - Now '47 USB Cards Are Missing, Nowhere to Be Found'
Data Scientist Flags Around 90,000 Votes in Pennsylvania
Trump Pardons Michael Flynn
Trump Outlaws US Investment in Chinese Military Corporations
(In that case, the NY Times, CNN, NBC, BBC, NPR & others should be added to his list!)
US Missile Sale to Philippines Fires Up China
India's BrahMos Missile Test Sends Message to China
Russia Threatens to Ram US Warship Sailing in Sea of Japan
YouTube Temporarily Suspends, Demonetizes OANN
Muslim Extremists Slaughter More Than 500 Christians in Ethiopia
How Trump Can Expose Biggest Lie in Middle East: Palestinian 'Refugee' Myth
Florida Holocaust Museum Debuts George Floyd Exhibit
Euro 'Anti-Hate' Group Boss Discussed 'Necessity' of Killing Whites
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