North Korea Missile Passes Re-Entry Test In Breakthrough For Nuclear Program
Israel Concerned Over USA Arms Deal With Hostile Saudi Arabia
When will USA learn to NOT trust any Muslim nation? America is arming their enemies. This is one time that Trump is wrong!
U.S. Military Satellites in Crisis
France: The Ideology of Islamic Victimization--Which Claims That They Are Discriminated Against Because Of Race And Religion
Remember that the devil always plays the "victim card". No one wants to take responsibility for their own actions.
Israeli University Declines To Play Anthem At Graduation To Respect Arabs
Coexistence is the white horse of false love and false peace in Revelation 6.
Learn about the 4 Horsemen of Revelation 6
California Professor Banned Republican Club From Public Events
The demoncrats, communist & Muslims are among the most intolerant groups in the world! They are hypocrites always preaching that Christians should be tolerant, yet it's the "coexist" demoncrats who are the LEAST tolerant!
Planned Parenthood Clinics Closing Rapidly
'Doomsday' Seed Vault in the Arctic Partially Flooded Due to Global Warming
A lot of Republicans & conservatives don't want to admit that Global Warming is real. But this is just one more example of why it is real. Denying science makes conservatives look like ignorant fools.
The United Nations and the Palestinians
VERY eye opening article!
Proof KJV Not 100% Accurate Word Of God
In the KJV of Exodus 6:2-3, it says "THE LORD" in v.2 and "Jehovah" in v.3. Yet Strong's Concordance says that in both verses, it was the exact same Hebrew word/name. If Jehovah is the name, why doesn't it say Jehovah in every verse of the bible that has "THE LORD" in all capital letters? How can anyone claim that the KJV is 100% accurate to the original when we know for a FACT that the words "THE LORD" replaced the original name of The Creator. Yet Jehovah also cannot be correct because the word "Jehovah" was NEVER written in any scroll, codex, book, bible or manuscript of ANY religion on Earth until the 1200's & 1500s and we know this for a FACT! The original Divine name was JESUS and it was written in the Old Testament until it was removed in the Assyrian language translation during the Babylonian captivity when JESUS name was banned, even as it was later banned again in the Roman Empire.
Video: Mahdi and Popes Francis and Benedict To Stand on Temple Mount Trinity Antichrists
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