Remember all of the times that I called the advancement of military troops of Turkey inside of Syria as an "invasion"? Well this proves it! However, this is NOT wrong! It's a GOOD thing when anyone can have ANY victory against Satan's son Assad! However, this really won't improve anything. The Day of the LORD, which people call "the Great Tribulation" MUST still come!
Christianity Diminishing in Britain but Islam & Hinduism Growing
Porn Making Men Sexually Dysfunctional
Pope Francis: I’m Going To Entrust The Eternal Fate Of Mankind To Mary
Pope Francis Makes Two Children Saints Who Saw "Virgin Mary" 100 Years Ago
This is a perfect example of false visions and false spiritual manifestations! Just because you see a dead person, angel or GOD, doesn't mean that you are REALLY seen the real thing. MOST (but not all) people who see such things are actually seeing demons manifesting themselves as that person, angel or GOD. Just because "God" told you that Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Trump, Erdogan or Prince Charles is the "antichrist" DOESN'T mean that you REALLY heard from GOD. EVEN if the entire house shakes, doesn't mean that it was really a good angel or GOD. Prophetic Truth MUST align correctly with scripture! Scripture does NOT support either of these candidates as the Son of Perdition. Bible codes and Gemetria also does NOT PROVE any of these humans as the fallen angel of the Son of Perdition! Gemetria is witchcraft. Bible codes are crap!
Gal.1:6-9, 2 Cor. 11:12-15
False Prophet Claims Planet X Coming and Will Destroy Earth in August
This is a CONSTANT claim by the Planet X Lunatics. Every month for decades, Planet X is supposed to destroy Earth. It NEVER comes true, but this never stops gullible conspiracy theorists from believing the false prophets & reading their websites & sending money to the other so called "ministers" who support them and give them a platform to share their false teachings & false prophecies.
Learning Program Pushes Homosexual Agenda on Home Schooled Children
Germany Will Look For Alternatives To Turkey's Incirlik Airbase
Museum Of The Bible Prepares For Washington DC Opening
I can't wait!
Added to Article about Baptism
(See website for links referred to.)
To be baptized and then never surrender to all of these truths that I have listed, is to be baptized in vain.
Baptism alone does NOT guarantee salvation. You must CONFESS, REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED.
Therefore, Before I agree to baptize anyone, I ask these questions:
Is Jesus God? The answer must be yes. Proof
Is Jesus his HOLY name, and the Y names of Yehsua, Yahweh, YHWH and Jehovah all evil? The answer must be "Yes this is true." Proof
Do you agree to surrender to Jesus and obey Jesus including keeping the 7 day (Saturday) as a commanded day of rest and worship, and also keep all of the annual Holy days? And agree to not work on these commanded Holy days, and agree to not travel far distances on these HOLY days? And do you also agree to either attend worship services some where in person on these 7th day and Holy days or at least listen to our sermon/services broadcast online or by telephone? The answer must be yes to all of this. Proof of 7th Day and Proof of Holy Days.
Do you agree that there is only ONE GOD, not a trinity? The answer must be yes. Proof.
If you absolutely HAD to vote for Obama, Clinton or Trump TODAY, who would you vote for? The answer must be Trump. This is because if you are willing to vote for people like Obama or Clinton who support homosexuality, abortion, communism and islam, then you have NOT repented in accordance to Acts 2:38. This is not about politics. This is about whether or not that you repent from wickedness and agree to surrender to Jesus. I refuse to baptize people in vain. If you are going to be baptized, you must know that this is going to mean that you fully surrender to Jesus and his righteousness and truth. Therefore I also add the following condition as well.
Do you agree to not keep Christmas and Easter and Halloween? The answer must be yes. Click on each one for proof.