Will he just surrender to the north???? NEVER trust a leftist!
Television Signals Turn on Smartphone Tracking of What & When You Watch TV, Movies or Porn
McDonald’s and Krispy Kreme Tracks you via your smart phone turned on when TV ads appear and thereafter!
Your television is tracking you!
This is why it was declared LAW that all television & radio signals must be in digital !!!! Turn OFF your cell phone when listening to the radio or television!
California Ends Ban on Communist Government
End of Democracy in America.
Chicago Inmates Can Now Order Pizza Directly To Their Jail Cells
Junk like this is why people are no longer afraid of going to jail.
USA Embassy MIGHT Stay In Tel Aviv And Not Be Moved To Jerusalem
Because Muslims would literally raze the city of Jerusalem if USA were to move USA embassy there!
Yet naive people still believe that some how the Muslims WOULD allow a Jewish Temple to be built!
It's NEVER going to happen!
UPDATE: Trump Admin Still Considering Moving U.S Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, JUST NOT RIGHT NOW
Catholic University Forbids Chick-Fil-A Restaurant Because Chick-Fil-A Doesn't Support Homosexuality
USA Approves Heavier Weapons for Kurds to Fight ISIS
The Kurds are Turkey's enemies. Turkey is EXTREMELY upset that USA is taking the side of their enemy.
Pagan Demonic Mother's Day
I recommend the following link. I do NOT recommend the entire website. I am only recommending this specific article for insight into the pagan origins of Mother's Day. We can't use excuses of "it's harmless", or "it'll upset her". Pagan is pagan.
We can't allow the devil an inch! NO COMPROMISE!
Christians Leaving the Girl Scouts Over Its Connection to Planned Parenthood
Don't buy their cookies!
Philippines Moves Troops, Supplies To Disputed S. China Sea Island Claimed By Beijing
Monument of Jefferson Davis Removed in New Orleans after 106 years
Although I support the removal of graven images, the spirit that is removing remembrance of the Civil War is NOT the spirit of love, peace or righteousness. It is the spirit of hate and of radical islamic demoncrat leftist who are trying to erase history and who are waging a war against white people & against freedom of speech. This is the truth! If this was done in the correct spirit, I would not speak against it. But the spirit is of hate, proclaiming that it's working against hate, but it's a hypocrite spirit. It's the spirit of the white horseman of Revelation 6 who looks righteous but is wicked and has the heart of war. It only causes more division, not peace. This news article says the workers who came to remove the monument were dressed in dark/black. Why would you need to do that in order to protect your identity? Just wear masks. Why dark clothing? Very clearly it's because of dark spirits. The facts are that both the north and the south, BOTH had slaves and the war was more over taxes and the amount of government control, federal vs. the states powers. Also, the Catholic Church was a MAJOR force in causing the war. I won't be politically correct just to please people's prejudism, regardless of whether their hate is against black or white people or against Jews. Prejudism works both ways and they are ALL wrong. The truth is always the truth, regardless of who it offends.
Another Campus Hate Hoax, This Time in Minnesota
The demoncrats want to make it look like ALL white people are prejudist and that it's a much worst problem than what it really is. We CAN'T ignore the fact that there is now HUGE numbers of radical, communist, leftist, liberal, islamic black gangs in USA that are a real physical danger to Americans! I am NOT prejudist against ANY race! But we can't ignore that large numbers of black Americans are turning to violence against white people (especially against the police) because of the brainwashing of the demoncrat party. The truth is the truth regardless of who likes it and who doesn't like the truth. This "divide and conquer" was always the plan of the communist party which is now the democrat party, which now is also the islamic political party in the USA. It is Esau vs. Jacob.
IF anyone wants to be saved, they MUST reject the hate filled democrat party!
Only 37 Percent Of Evangelical Christians Believe That Going To A Strip Club Without Your Spouse Is Cheating
Sign Petition to Classify Antifa As A Terrorist Organization