Please pray for Joselyn's daughter.
"Please help me in prayer for my daughter who is in a illicit relationship she is bewitched and has lost all her will power, though she is a baptized follower: she does not take me on: she's completely under his control and is drawn away from all her family and friends, he makes her befriend only his relations. Thanks."
Another Confirmation YHWH/Yahweh/Yeshua/Jehovah is EVIL !!!
The "Church of Yahweh" uses witchcraft tarot cards to teach about their pagan demon god!
The link above is the actual website of "the Church of Yahweh". You can plainly see that they teach the use of witchcraft via tarot cards and that they use the tarot cards to proclaim and teach that their god's name is Yahweh, based upon the Assyrian, Aramaic witchcraft letters of yhwh! Click on "TRUMP 10 - THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE" to see the exact same tarot card with "yhwh" that I have had displayed on my website in the "What is GOD's Name" article. This is smoking gun proof that the Hebrew Roots Cults are witches & vampires just like JEsus told you!
New Video:
The Trinity of the Mahdi, Pope Francis & Pope Benedict to Stand on the Temple Mount
The 3 Antichrists!
Full Moon Welcomes New South Korean President
NO Coincidence in this! It's a sign that Mr. Moon is going to help usher in Nazi, Islamic & Communist control of S. Korea.
Mr. Moon is a liberal, left wing communist who the S. Koreans voted in, partly because he promised a 3 day weekend! They have signed their Judgment in exchange for laziness!
Elected S. Korean President To Take Office Immediately
N. Korea Urged S. Koreans Not To Vote For Conservatives & S. Koreans Obeyed
North Korea Detains Fourth American Citizen
China Invites North Korea To Economic Forum
Don't forget that they ARE allies!
Trump Fires FBI Director for Mishandling Clinton Email Probe
"You're Fired!" Praise JEsus!!!!
Iran to Launch Two New Satellites, Likely Cover for Illicit ICBM Program
Australian Schools Tell Parents: We'll Help Your Kids Swap Gender Without Your Consent
Bio Farma Establishes Team to Produce Halal Vaccines
Remember, the Halal Mark will be on EVERY product & service in the world, of which are allowed to be bought & sold under Islamic Sharia Law.