Homosexuals Very Angry Because Trump Protects Religious Freedom to Speak Bible Truth
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Atheist Brad Pitt Mocks His Parents Speaking in Tongues; Talks Frustration With Christianity’s ‘Don’ts’
Russia, Iran & Turkey Bans USA Jets From Syrian Airspace
Gluten-Free Diet Could Raise Heart Attack Risk
Gluten is naturally in our diet. To remove it is a harm to our bodies. The problem is NOT Gluten. The problem is pesticides & GMO's and people not getting sunshine and exercise.
Government Warns Of Truck Ramming Attacks By Terrorists in America
I believe this is a very real threat.
More Halal Products To Watch Out For
"Saffron Road" products at Publix grocery stores and Walmart and other stores. This link shows you the pictures of their products with the mark. You can click on "store locator".
Another Resource To Find Halal Products And Businesses In Your Region
The more stars they have, the more Halal and demon friendly that they are.
Confirmation #51 that Both Popes Benedict & Francis Will Be The False Prophet Who Stands Beside Assad As Trinity Gods, and that Assad is the Son of Perdition Antichrist.
Assad & his Alawi religion teaches that the Mahdi, end time Islamic world leader, will be from their Alawi sect, and will be God in the flesh who will stand with 2 other men.
The following link shows an Islamic Hadith that says that the Mahdi, the end time Islamic world ruler, is from the Alawi Sect, of which Assad is the leader of. I don't recommend that you read all of the evil junk in the website. Just hold down "Ctrl" on your keyboard and press "F". This will open a small box somewhere on your screen. Then type in "alawi". It will then highlight "Alawi" on your screen where it says " the Mahdi, who will be Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah al-‘Alawi", which means that he will be of the Alawi sect of Islam.
Quotes from the following link:
"The core of Nusayrism (Assad's Alawi Sect) is the concept of God in triad, with God himself being manifested through Ali, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. Nusayris believe that God is Ali in the flesh, who created Muhammad from his spirit, who in turn created Salman al-Farisi, a Persian companion and evangelist. These three form a triad — Mana (Meaning), Ism (Name/Veil) and Bab (Gate).
Nusayrism is also cyclical. Nusayris believe that there have been seven times that God manifested in seven different trinities. The first was of Abel, Adam and Gabriel; the last in Ali, Muhammad and Salman. In all, the meanings, or manifestations, of God seem to be subordinate figures while the name/veil appear to be superior ones: Jesus is the name but God manifestation is actually Simon Peter; Muhammad is the name but God is manifested through Ali."
(Actually the person who translated this Islamic Hadith into English doesn't understand the Arab language enough to understand that they would NEVER say "JEsus is the name". But rather "Yeshua is the name" is the correct translation of this Arabic phrase. The website is "NON-religious" & based in Maryland, USA.)
"Nusayris believe each soul is a star, the sinful will be reincarnated as inferior beings through nine levels of human existence and nobility."
"Because people sin, they are no longer splendid stars and must redeem themselves by knowing God through ma’rifa — inner knowledge from one’s own direct experience of reality, something not possible through books. Consequently, traditional ritual and literal reading of scripture are not essential and can even lead to perdition."
"The dictator (Assad's dad) previously changed his family name from Wahsh (wild beast) to Assad (lion), and had married a Sunni woman."
The following website confirms Assad's Alawi doctrine that 'God' has appeared to mankind 8 times thus far, with yet a 9th time still to come soon. Each time, he appears on Earth as a human man, accompanied with 2 other men in the flesh! Again, they translate "Yeshua" as "Jesus" because these are English speaking people who don't know how much Muslims hate the name of "JEsus" and only say "Yesu, Yeshua" & other variations of the pagan Assyrian Y names.
Book: The Monotheists: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Conflict and ..., Volume 2. By F. E. Peters. Page 321.
"The Alawi is redeemed only by recognizing the divinity in one of the seven cycles of God's historical self-manifestation. (Recognizing Assad as "God" in the flesh.) In each of these manifestations, accompanied by two lesser beings, one called "the Name" or "the Veil", and the other, "The Gate"." UNQUOTE.
It then goes on to explain that the Mahdi is God in the flesh who is some times seen with the prophets, but that he is higher than the prophets. This is very clear proof that Assad will stand with both popes, and that the "False Prophet" of Rev.13 is actually both popes. It says that he has "two horns". If 10 horns is 10 beings, and one horn is one being, then it only makes sense that two horns is two beings. So we will see Assad and both popes all stand together as the trinity god that the traditional church has taught the people to believe in. Assad will even descend from the sky before the Great Tribulation, just like the traditional church has taught the people. The majority of the world will worship them. The image below is taken from this link:
Upcoming Major Revelation To Be Revealed Soon
Via I Saw The Light Ministries:
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