Comcast Telephone service outage in many areas nationwide USA
Putin Fired 50 Russian Military Commanders For Not Being Aggressive Enough Against American/NATO Ships
I am NOT searching for news stories with the number "50"! They are just appearing all over the internet every day! GOD JE-SUS is speaking! Listen up! A new season is upon us, a season of increased, empowered spiritual & physical warfare. Be sure to have on the whole Armour of GOD every day! This war is real!
Beijing Blasts South China Sea Ruling, Vows To Defend Ignore Ruling
The Bible Describes an End Time War Between Syria/Iran/Russia/China and USA/Israel/British Commonwealth
Learn why people all across USA are having dreams/visions of the coming invasion.
Read about it today if you haven't already!
Pro-Assad Reporter Smiles For Camera With Bodies In Background
US Sending 560 More Troops To Iraq
Facebook Deletes Hillary Jokes
Potential Trump VP Reverses Course, Now Calls Himself “Pro-Life Democrat”
Is he posturing himself for the presidential ticket?
Doesn't matter because JE-sus says that Hillary will be president. Nevertheless I share this news story to help people understand that Trump is NOT a true conservative & is a hypocrite, & just as evil as the rest of them.