Turkey is conducting a MAJOR bombing campaign against the Kurds who the American forces are supporting & training. There are American military members within this region. It remains to be seen, and could take a few days to learn, about whether any American military members are injured or killed. But this is a VERY serious situation and is a DIRECT attack against American allies. It is a major fulfillment of the Jan.19-20, 2018 prophecy. Many months ago, JESUS had me to proclaim in this newsletter and on the ministry website that something would occur on Jan.19-20, 2018 that would be a birth pain contraction that would help propel the world closer to WW3. And this does exactly that! And it also confirms that the latter part of the prophecy will also come true: which is that another important event or statement will occur on Feb.17-18, 2018, which will again help propel the world even closer to the time of greatest tribulation.
Sec of State Tillerson: "A total withdrawal of American personnel at this time would help [Syrian President Bashar al-] Assad. A stable, unified and independent Syria ultimately requires post-Assad leadership in order to be successful."
Tillerson: For many years, #Syria under Bashar al-Assad has been a client state of #Iran. A Syrian central government that is not under the control of Assad will have new legitimacy to assert its authority over the country.
Tillerson: The U.S. believes that free & transparent elections, to include the participation of the Syrian diaspora who have been displaced – all those who were forced to flee the conflict – will result in the permanent departure of Assad & his family from power. #Syria 32/38
Tillerson: Once Assad is gone from power, the United States will gladly encourage the normalization of economic relationships between #Syria and other nations. 30/38
Tillerson: US, EU, and regional partners will not provide reconstruction assistance to any area under control of the Assad regime. We ask all stakeholders in #Syria’s future to do the same. We'll discourage economic relationships between the Assad regime & any other country. 29/38
Tillerson: Assad has gassed his own people, barrel bombed entire villages & urban neighborhoods, and repeatedly undermined any chance for a peaceful resolution of political differences. Those abuses continue to this day. #Syria 12/38
Tillerson: Bashar al-Assad’s strategy includes hosting some of the most radical terrorist elements in the region & using them to destabilize his neighbors. Assad’s regime is corrupt, and his methods of governance have increasingly excluded certain ethnic & religious groups. 2/38
Tillerson: For nearly 50 years, the Syrian people have suffered under the dictatorship of Hafez al-Assad & his son Bashar al-Assad. The nature of the Assad regime, like that of its sponsor Iran, is malignant. #Syria 1/38
Mattis: Government Shutdown Would Have 'Terrible Impact' on Military
If this occurs this weekend, it would be another major event and fulfillment of the Jan.19-20 prophecy even more.
Paul Ryan Rightfully Slams Senate Democrats for Holding Military 'Hostage' in Immigration Debate
Car Hits Crowd At Copacabana Beach Promenade In Rio
Most likely another islamic terrorist attack!
GOP Lawmaker: I’m Aware of “Credible Evidence” of “Terrorist Infiltration Through the Southern Border” Related to Las Vegas Shooting
U.S. To Convert Existing Jerusalem Facility Into Embassy For 2019 Opening
Trump Addresses "March to Life" Group, First Sitting President to Do So
Trump Admin Forms New Office to Protect Religious Rights of Medical Providers Who Oppose Abortion
This president is protecting the lives of innocent, defenseless unborn babies and that's one of the many reasons why wicked democrats hate him! And why Christians MUST support him!
California Attorney General: 'We Will Prosecute' Employers Who Help Federal Authorities Detect Illegal Immigrants
This is incredibly insane! He is threatening to arrest people if they OBEY the Federal law!
California is now a rogue state! Trump should declare martial law and arrest every democrat member of the California state government including the governor and attorney general.
Every resident of California now is the moral responsibility and duty to move out!
JESUS has been telling the people for decades to move out of California, but the people have blatantly ignored Him and slapped JESUS in the face! JUDGMENT WILL COME TO California and all other democrats and liberals and wicked people!
Iraqi Forces Readying for Potential Terrorist Activity During National Elections in May
Trump Rightfully Says Russia Helping North Korea Skirt Sanctions; Pyongyang Getting Close on Missile
Tillerson Warns Military Action On North Korea Unless Diplomacy Works
South Korea To Mobilize Air Force Planes, Coast Guard Vessels To Safeguard Olympics From Terrorism
South Korea To Cut 120,000 Troops By 2022
This is how stupid leftist leaders are, and why you should NEVER elect them!
China Prepares for N. Korea Crisis
Nuclear Review Repudiates Obama Policy
Scientists Take Major Leap In Fight Against Malaria; Discover That Toothpaste Ingredient Can Be Used To Tackle Diseases
Natural Remedies For Parasites
The Media Has a Very Different Attitude Toward Donald Trump's Health Than Hillary Clinton's
Watch "You've been Using Restaurant Ketchup/Sauce Cups Wrong" on YouTube