As many of you already know, Back in 2008 I started proclaiming that JEsus was showing me the date of July 14, 2014. As it came closer and closer to July 14 2014, JEsus kept confirming that date over and over. I started coming to incorrect conclusions about what would occur on that date, based on the historical events which had already occurred on that date in the pass in GOD's created calendar. But as the date got even closer, HE also started showing me the date of August 5, 2014 and it became clear that not only was the specific day of July 14 important, but there was also a timeframe of July 14-Aug. 5 and I backed off from some of my previous claims of what would occur. But I did not back off or correct my claims enough and it seemed to many people as if the prophecy was a total failure. Yet MANY HUGE events DID occur in that time frame which I listed later, but not the events which I had expected. As I did not understand that the July 14, 2014 date (Tammuz 17) was a piece of a wider puzzle, that was still incomplete. The events which I has proclaimed for that date WILL still occur but only after the puzzle is completed. JEsus works in HIS time frame and not according to our stop watch.
July 6-7, 2014 was the Babylon Jewish date of Tammuz 9. On Tammuz 9, 587 B.C. Babylon committed the Abomination of Desolation on the Temple Mount and the daily sacrifices were removed.
July 14-15, 2014 was Tammuz 17. On that date in 70 A.D. the Syrian soldiers under the authority of the Roman Empire broke the walls of Jerusalem and set up the Abomination of Desolation.
Both events are commemorated on the same date of Tammuz 17 of which the anniversary was July 14, 2014. Later on August 4-6 is the date of Av 9 (also called Tisha B'Av). It is the anniversary of the actual destruction of the first Temple in 423 (wow that's the number Jesus gave me with the July 14 revelation!) B.C. AND is the same date of the destruction of the second Temple in 70 A.D. World War One started on this date.
Now, JEsus has given me more pieces of the puzzle!
HE has now given me the date of Feb.10-11, 2016.
That will be Adar (12th Month), Second day, which is the date when Jerusalem fell to the Babylonian invasion during the time of King Jehoiakim of Judah. Hurricane Joaquin is currently flooding the east coast of America. It's name "Joaquin" is the female version of the same name of the King of Judah when Judah was invaded by Babylon! This hurricane is representing a coming Assyrian invasion of America. It is VERY significant that JEsus is showing me the date that Babylon invaded Judah during that kings reign of which this hurricane is named after!
Feb.10th is also the date that the 25th Amendment, the Rockefeller Amendment, was ratified to the American Constitution in 1967. That is extremely significant because it is that Amendment which JEsus taught me that it will be the tool to make Joseph Biden and Hillary Clinton as the next presidents of the USA without election.
The Jews observe their days from sunset to sunset, although that is NOT biblical. They learned that during their captivity in Babylon and Assyria. Nevertheless, they do observe their dates from sunset to sunset. So Feb.10-11 from sunset to sunset is seen as one day in the eyes of the Jews. On Feb.11, 2016, it will be the anniversary of the date when the 2nd Temple was completed. Ezra 6:5.
So to review:
July 6-7, 2014 = Tammuz 9 = Babylon committed Abomination of Desolation at Temple & sacrifices removed.
July 14, 2014 = Tammuz 17 = 70 A.D. Syrian Soldiers (under Rome) broke walls of Jerusalem to set up the next Abomination of Desolation. Both events listed here are commemorated on Tammuz 17 which was July 14, 2014. (It's different Roman date each year)
Feb.10, 2016 = 25th Amendment, The Rockefeller Amendment to the USA Constitution was ratified in 1967.
It declared that when a president is deceased from office or disposed of office, that the VP becomes president and that the president can declare a new VP who does NOT have to be a member of the government, thereby allowing Hillary Clinton to be appointed into office without election.
Feb.10 will also be 2nd day of 12th month in JEsus' calendar which is when Babylon invaded Jerusalem, Judah.
Feb. 11, anniversary of 2nd Temple completed.
All of these dates are extremely significant to Biblical and world history. Yet I did NOT know the historical significance of any of these dates before JEsus revealed the dates to me. In other words, HE gave me the date of July 14, 2014 without me knowing anything about that date in history until I looked it up and found out what the historical significance was. Then the same thing with Feb.10-11, 2016.
So now we have more pieces of the puzzle. But here is another piece!
Feb.10-11, 2016 will be exactly 1335 days (Daniel 12:12) from the Day of Atonement in October 2019.
That is absolutely Amazing!
What will NOT happen on Feb.10-11, 2016:
USA will NOT be invaded on that date.
Israel will NOT receive the main invasion on that date.
The "rapture" will NOT occur on that date.
The world will NOT end on that date.
JEsus will NOT return on that date.
So What WILL Happen on Feb.10-11, 2016????
We will just have to wait and see.
I have learned to just share what JEsus shows/tells/teaches me, as each piece of the puzzle comes.
No more. No less.
Of course all these pieces of the puzzle are pointing to the ultimate complete fulfillment of Bible Prophecy including the end time Abomination of Desolation, invasion of Israel, invasion of USA and the British Commonwealth, and the Great Tribulation and ultimately the Return of King JE-sus to establish The Kingdom of GOD upon this Earth forever more. But we will have to wait and see if Feb.10-11, 2016 is another piece of the puzzle, another sign, another foreshadowing, another warning OR a fulfillment of some sort.