Kim Jong-un told his spy agency to 'muster anti-South terror capabilities'.
This may include attacks on shopping malls, trains and busy public areas.
He could also order kidnappings or poisonings of dissidents and defectors.
Trump says he would be neutral between Israel & the Palestinians.
Trump is evil.
He has also said that he could appoint his sister to the Supreme Court, even though she has supported abortion.
He claims to be such a good Christian, yet he uses vulgar language in the public political pulpit. He has also recently said that Bush should never have invaded Iraq. (Even though that was very clearly ordained to happen)
It frustrates and saddens me that so many American religious people & conservatives worship Trump as their political savior. But it's because his followers are just like him. A wicked & rebellious generation with no wisdom, no discernment, and not completely surrendered to JEsus. His followers are so ignorantly blind, as to believe that Trump could actually win, which is totally impossible for many reasons. First, it's not ordained by The Almighty. Second, Trump is too radical in many of his positions to win. Third, the majority population of the USA is now totally sold out to the demon-crat party.
Ted Cruz is no better. He is another Jim Jones. There's something majorly wicked about him. He's a religious nut.
There will never again be a conservative president of the USA. Just look at how popular Bernie Sanders is! It's amazing how wicked the population is. Wake up! Biden, then Clinton, will be the next presidents, & last presidents of the USA.
At one time, it was the Will of The Almighty that The Church be involved in the politics & government of the USA. The founding of America was ordained. It was the Churches responsibility to govern this nation with the 10 Commandments & other principles of The Theocracy of JEsus. Church and state was never meant to be separate & the founding fathers firmly believed in the Government of GOD as the government of this nation. But now the majority of the church in America is no longer Holy. A wicked body cannot righteously govern. Now, there can no longer be any hope of helping or restoring our nation via political process. Petitions & voting is no longer the answer. The nation is too far lost. Now, the only hope is The Return of Jesus. Our votes no longer count. The next president is already chosen by those behind the scenes. But they do not realize that they are playing into The Hands of The Almighty JE-sus. We should not waste our time in support of wicked men playing the political game. Our prayers should be focused on repentance, for ourselves, our families, the church and eventually the nation as they learn repentance via The Judgments of JE-sus.
My hope is not in Trump, Cruz, Sanders or Clinton, or in the 2016 election.
ONLY in JE-sus.
Twitter “Shadow Banning” Conservative Users
Report: U.S. Cannot Protect Homeland From Iranian, North Korean Missile Strikes
Syrian Origin of Easter
The Bible goes into great detail to instruct mankind to observe the7th Day of the week, Passover and other Holy Days. However, the Bible is totally lacking ANY instruction to observe Easter. In fact, just the opposite. It describes the Easter sunrise services as being a great abomination. And warns us to NOT worship Him in the same ways that the heathen nations such as Assyria, worshipped their false gods. Easter was observed by ancient pagan Assyria. Just because your parents taught you that Easter is a celebration of His Resurrection, does not mean that they taught you correctly. People just pass down traditional pagan customs from generation to generation. It's time to break the cycle.
JE-sus instructed us to keep Passover via wine, unleavened bread & foot-washing. This is completely opposite of man's pagan observance of Queen Easter.