Russia 'Secretly Practiced Full-Scale Invasion Of Europe'
US Ambassador Haley to the UN Says We Are Recording Names of Those Who Fight Against USA & Israel
It's wonderful to see USA talk bold & strong against wicked people!
Russia Could Cut Under Water Internet Cables, Crippling West
Muslim Former D.C. Area Police Officer Found Guilty Of Trying To Back The Islamic State
Korea To Expand Women's Role In Military
The disappearance of GOD ordained gender roles, is a destruction of society.
Couple Married 71 Years Die Minutes Apart
This happens all of the time. This is also proof of GOD since it is proof that there is a spiritual connection between people, life and death.
People are like "Father, i surrender everything to you EXCEPT my money, pagan holidays, horror movies and revenge, etc etc etc.
People afford spending tons of $ on pagan (demonic) Xmas, but not a tiny 10% tithe toward the true Gospel.