USA House of Representatives Passes Tax Cuts
The bill next must be approved by the Senate tonight, but is expected to do so. But we will have to wait and see. Then the House of Representatives has to approve it again tomorrow because of a mistake. Then Trump signs the bill.
If the bill is approved by the senate, and by the house again, it removes the requirement for all Americans to have health insurance & removes the death penalty tax!
Saudi intercepts Yemen Rebel Missile Over Riyadh
Seconds from hitting royal palace!
Washington State Train Derailment: Some Are Blaming Antifa, But Let’s Not Forget It Was The Al-Qaeda That Posted How To Derail Trains In August Of This Year
Could this be an islamic terror attack? They are saying it was due to the train speeding. It was a HIGH SPEED train! It was built to go fast! And what about the reports last night of something on the track?!
U.S. Vetoes U.N. Resolution Rescinding Trump’s Declaration Jerusalem is Israel’s Capital
How can the UN rescind what President Trump said? That's stupid. Trump is the president of the USA. NOT the UN!
Trump Announces National Security Strategy: We’ll Fight Jihadists, Not Warm Weather
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf Vetoes Ban on Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Off Babies’ Limbs
Taiwan & China Paying Businesses To Become Halal Certified (Accept 666)
According to Eric Lin, Director of International Affairs Division at the Taiwan Tourism Bureau; “To attract more Muslim tourists and to increase the visibility of Taiwan in the Muslim world, we are building a Muslim-friendly environment in Taiwan. The Bureau is working with Chinese Muslim Association (CMA, Taiwan) to issue certifications for restaurants that provide halal food, as well as hotels and central kitchens.”
“Our aim is to provide food and comfortable hotels for Muslim visitors. Our bureau also provides subsidies (gives them money) for the acquisition of halal certification by restaurants and hotels to encourage them improve or renovate their facilities to fulfill Muslims needs. In order to make Muslim travelers feel more at ease, the Bureau is encouraging public transportation facilities and scenic spots to have prayer rooms and Islam-compliant toilets.”
The Bureau is part of the Taiwan and Chinese governments!
Proof that Halal Certification is the Physical Counterpart of the Spiritual Mark of the Beast
ISIS Claims Hacked Army, State Dept; Sending Assassins To Homes
60 Minutes Falsely Claims 74% Of "Extremist-Related Killings" In US In Last 10 Years By "Right-Wing Extremists," Not Jihadis
The truth is that almost every murder and every mass shooting and every terrorist attack in ALL of the history of the USA has been by muslims and democrats. And that's the truth!
200,000+ Puerto Ricans Fled to Florida
New Study Reveals Harmful Effects of Dim Light Exposure During Sleep
JESUS created our bodies to sleep in total darkness except for only the light of the moon and stars.
Natural Remedies for Dry Mouth
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