Our Brothers & Sisters in South Korea need a place to assemble for worship services. Please pray that JEsus will send them the funds and location for services, such as an affordable conference room. Thanks!
Halal Mark of the Beast To Increase in South Korea
AND Halal Guys Restaurant Coming to Seoul, S. Korea
Proof Halal Mark Is The Physical Counterpart of The Mark of the Beast
Founder of Demonic CorePower Yoga Trevor Tice Found Dead Under 'Suspicious Circumstances'
New Article:
Is Cremation of The Dead Acceptable or Pagan?
Song: "Arrows"
By Jayna, 9 years old:
"Oh without a GOD how would I shield the arrows,
Without you I could never pray,
I can't help myself so I need you To get me through this storm,
I can't do this by myself,
I need a GOD to lead me through,
With your light, shine it on me,
and I'll be happy to see you.
All of the enemy's arrows, they won't be able to fly!
And the enemy's minions/demons, they need to say goodbye!
GOD's arrows, they'll always fly!
GOD's Angels, there with you and I,
So GOD is not just in the sky,
GOD is always with you,
and so I have my GOD shield your arrows,
so have my GOD help you pray,
so you are not by yourself if you ask GOD to help you
when you pray".