FBI alerted that muslim men were asking about the "Bagnell Dam" in Miller county, Missouri.
Learn about the Prophecy of the Dams that JE-sus gave me in 2008, I have been writing about ever since 2008.
Catholic high school in Michigan allows islamic prayers.
18 Ways that the Catholic church and islam are the same.
The islamic/catholic origins of all of America's religious denominations.
War In Heaven & Earth Soon. Prepare to be Moved.
Prepping is all in VAIN and is actually foolishness if you plan on staying in the middle of a known target of earthquakes and nuclear war. To plan on staying in places like California, Texas, Florida, Missouri, Michigan, Louisiana, huge cities, coast lines, Memphis, etc , it's just foolishness. It's the mentality of "it will never happen here, and if it does, it's my home". That kind of mentality is worship of house, lands & families. If we truly have the Holy Spirit, We should be able to see danger coming and have the common sense to get out of the way! If you believe that JE-sus wants you to stand in the middle of the target, then you better be ready to die. So if you are prepping in these regions, you better be able to transport all of it out of those regions BEFORE everything hits.
I have been warning repeatedly ever since 2006. Other prophets around the world have been warning the people for decades. Many dates have come and gone and we are still here. The Great Tribulation has not yet begun. Many people have become complacent in where they live and how much time that they THINK we still have left. But The Holy Spirit is leading me to warn you, time is short and everything prophesied by JEsus will occur. There will not be much more of a delay. It has got to break at some time. And it's going to be soon.
If you want to live, it's time right now to be very seriously examining where JE-sus really wants you, what to do, what not to do, where to go, what to prepare, what not to prepare, etc. Making your own decision doesn't cut it. You need to be 100% sure of what The Heavenly Father wants you to do.
But what JE-sus has been showing me, especially today, is that most people have the feminist attitude of "I don't want to submit to the GOD ordained authority of the apostles, prophets, pastors, leaders, administrators, male leadership and warnings of impending doom". The Holy Spirit tells me that these people will either die or be taken captive. They love their houses, lands and families and their OWN PLANS so much that they are not willing to heed the warnings to get out of the way of danger. They refuse to come be a part of the Work of the Kingdom. Their love of local houses, lands, money, jobs and families is STRONGER than their love for a church family and the work of the Kingdom. People COULD be here right now with me and the local congregation. We could work together doing great things for The Kingdom. We could be a family. They could come. They have the resources. But they don't have the will. They don't want to sell anything. They want to hold onto EVERYTHING. They don't want to give away anything or share anything. They won't even send a dollar. They can't afford to let go of eating out every week and pizza's, steak, hoagies. Bibles are less important. The Gospel is less important. It's me, me, me. The poorest of the poor are always the most willing to give. The more someone has, the less they are willing to give.
One-Two cars is not enough. One computer is not enough. "How much more can I purchase for myself, Forget everyone else. Forget the ministers, the work, the evangelism".
Lots of people are listening, reading, watching the ministry, But very few believe and are willing to do anything about it. Lazy, complacent, unbelieving, doubting pharisees. Loves of pleasure, money & self. Not even willing to fulfill their words and promises. "Let someone else do it". But when the clock strikes, there will be thousands of emails and phone calls, people I have never heard from before as well as many that forsook me years ago, people who mocked and laughed, people who said I was false. As well as people who listened, watched, read but never did anything to help. Am I to give you my supplies? The Scriptures say NO. Am I to take you in when I have never heard from you before? Am I to trust you at the very last second? Are you all of a sudden my brother and friend? Are you all of a sudden interested enough to open your mouth? How am I to separate your email from the other 10,000 that I will receive in the very first week? Last second, you're on your own. My email will soon become inactive and there will be no more newsletters and updates. I will have to move on to be with my true family that really did believe, really did care, really did love, really did heed The Word of JE-sus. The population will be separated on the left and right. Only the extreme wicked and the extreme righteous will survive and endure the Great Tribulation to the end. Everyone in the middle, sitting on the fence watching, will be cast off into heaps of dead bodies in the streets. Only those who are willing to stand up for one or the other will make any difference.
Concerning the thousands who will be taken captive, many of those will die as well. But many will repent during their captivity and will see The Light. They will eventually be returned to their nations of origin.
Soon, there will be a major war in Heaven, Rev.12, between satan and his son Assad and the good angels of Heaven. Assad and the devil and all the evil angels will be cast down to the Earth. They will be extremely angry and will go immediately to wage war with the Saints. So there will be 30 days of fleeing. NO pre-trib rapture. It says to FLEE. Even as the Maccabees also had to flee from the wicked king of Syria, Assad Antiochus. It doesn't say to stand bold where you are. Great War will rage all across the planet. But the Holy Scriptures promises a safe place of refuge only for the elect. Not all are meant to be protected. Many good Christians are ordained to die. So you must come to the reality about whether you are ordained to die or to be protected. Not everyone is ordained to be protected contrary to very popular belief. MORE will die, than the number that will be protected.
Not wanting to believe, out of fear, is NOT going to make any of this go away. We have to face reality. The proof is everywhere you look. We cannot deny it. We must take action now. It's time to go through your closets, basements, attics, storage units, etc. If you have not touched it for 2 months, you don't need it unless it's for the Great Tribulation. Sell and give away everything that you don't need for the Great Tribulation! It's time NOW to get ready. It's been time for the last several years! If you have to be moved with fear, then so be it. BE FEARFUL. Be very fearful. But take action. Don't deny reality. Don't bury your head in the sand. Do something! Guns will NOT save you. Guns are for cowards! Your guns will not be useful against the Chinese & Russian armies! Neither will they be helpful against every person that comes to raid your supplies. You can take out a few people, but sooner or later, they will take you out. Those that kill with the sword/gun, shall be killed with the sword/gun. Guns are not even very useful for hunting, as they may give away your location to barbarian men and enemy soldiers in the neighborhood. The worship of guns in the republican party is sickening.
I lived in a tent year round, for 7 years, unlocked, without a gun. My trust was in THE LORD, not a piece of iron. Your trust should not be in your family homeland, lands that you purchase, guns that you purchase or any other supplies. But only in JESUS. The prepping is necessary, but should only be to cushion the immediate impact of not being able to go to the stores. In the long term, all of our substance must come of JE-sus, including His current guidance concerning needed skills and knowledge for the future. He is not going to work magic for us constantly. We have to be able and willing to stand up and go get the food and pluck the feathers and cook it. Pre-packaged meat is not going to fall out of the sky.
All of this in JE-sus Mighty Name,
Apostle Tim