Wow this is interesting. Could it be that Obama will change the results of the election? We will just have to wait and see. It's not over until it's over! There's LOTS of possibilities of exactly how everything will happen. Don't judge a prophecy to be false until everything is completed!!! Those people who are over judgmental/condemning will be judged by the same standard that they judge with!
Obama Urges Military to Question Trump's Authority
Obama should have been arrested for treason a LONG time ago! But the republicans are in cooperation with the demoncrats! But JEsus is in control and all of this is supposed to happen, to bring about the end of satan's kingdom! Praise JEsus!
S. Korea Parliament Suspends President
It's interesting to me that after JEsus drew my attention to Brazil months ago, that Brazil impeached their first female president. Then after JEsus drew my attention to S. Korea, they are impeaching their female president. I do not believe this can be coincidence. I believe JEsus is somehow pointing to Hillary Clinton, saying that once she finally takes office, that she will not finish her term. But she will NOT be impeached. But rather that Syria, Iran, Russia & China will invade during her term. Yes JEsus will impeach Clinton!
Dutch Court: Lawmaker Wilders Guilty of Speaking Against Islam
This is coming to America & all nations SOON! Thank JEsus that the Judge refused to sentence him. But what happens when the judge is a leftist? They will kill the people for speaking out against evil. JEsus warned us that these things will happen in the last days!
Student Threatened With Expulsion After Recording, Posting Professor's Anti-Trump Tirade
North Korean War Tunnels Kim Jong-Un Could Use To Shift 30,000 Troops An Hour To The South In A Stealth Attack
Ohio Lawmakers Pass Bill Banning Abortion When Heartbeat Detected
Praise JEsus!
Popular Kids Magazine Caves to Homosexual Propaganda
Egypt Increases Penalty for Female Genital Mutilation to Up to 15 Years in Prison
This is wonderful news! A step in the right direction. Now they need to outlaw MALE genital mutilation/circumcision in all nations. Circumcision is NOT necessary medically or spiritually and it is nothing less than torture. Yes GOD commanded it for the ancient Israelites but was also at a time when we were commanded to kill every person who sins. Does JEsus want you to go killing every person in the streets? NO. And HE doesn't want us cutting male body parts either. The primitive old covenant laws of circumcision, stoning people, unclean meats (other than Halal) and sacrifice of goats is done away with by The Precious Blood of JEsus. When the 7th Trumpet blows to call His People into Heaven, JEsus is NOT going to be looking to see whether a man has foreskin!!!! The Hebrew Roots blood/vampire cults & other types of muslims need to find JEsus and get Saved!
Male Circumcision Not Necessary and Should Be Avoided
Males NEED their Foreskin! JEsus gave it to them FOR A REASON. Do you want your ears cut off? Of course NOT! STOP CUTTING YOUR BOYS!!! I post this in memory of Robert AND on behalf of Robert Jr. Your skins will be avenged by JEsus!!! Queen Michelle will be impeached! She will starve because she refuses to fast!