Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other."
The trinity doctrine specifically states that God is 3 different/distinct persons/beings. Therefore that would mean that we would serve 3 Masters, which would be contrary to scripture.
Polygamy Of A Woman With More Than One Man
Polyandry, which is polygamy of a woman being with more than one man, is nasty and sinful, and against nature. Yet, that's exactly what the trinity doctrine teaches is acceptable! It teaches that God is 3 different male beings who will marry the same bride, thus a sinful "gang bang"! The trinity doctrine is demonic!
Also, if God is 3 beings/persons, the Father and the Son would both be marrying the same bride! That's sick! And that's forbidden in scripture!
Lev. 18:8 The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father's nakedness.
:15 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: she is thy son's wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
These above verses really have nothing to do with nudity. They do not forbid bathing the sick and elderly who are related to you. But rather, "uncover nakedness" means "have sex with". It is a sin for the father and son to have sex with the same woman. If God is a trinity, both the son and Father would be marrying the same woman/bride in violation of scripture.
Of course we realize that in the marriage supper, the bride won't have physical sex with the groom, but still yet, the symbolism would still be there via marriage.
These scriptures have now been added to the trinity article.
These facts came to my attention via Brother Jared, on the same day, soon after a woman blocked me on MeWe because I reject the trinity doctrine! Therefore, the timing was God's way of telling me that I'm not deceived and to continue to stand my ground for His Truth. This is the way that it is OFTEN when people wrongfully rebuke me for the truth or try to persuade me away from the truth. Many times, Jesus will confirm His Truth after such occasions.
Don't Need To Pray That We Not Flee in The Winter or Sabbath Day
Matt. 24:20
Why did Jesus say that we should pray that our fleeing would not occur in the winter or Sabbath day, if the Strong Delusion must occur on Purim and the Great Tribulation begin at Passover and these are in specific months?
Here's the answer.
Remember that in another verse, Christ said that the Son of man (Himself) and the angels did not know when He would come. Therefore, as the scripture says, when He came to earth in the flesh, He emptied Himself of some Divine knowledge, Philippians 2:7. He did not allow Himself to come to the earth with full knowledge of the prophetic timeline. Therefore, in Matthew 24, when He said to pray about the time of your fleeing, He was giving good advice, but did not know/remember that the end time events were aligned with the Holy Days. He did not know that the date could not be changed.
It was a wise decision to empty Himself of such knowledge, for it was appointed for that information to be hidden until the end time.
It is a similar situation that sometimes it is better not to know certain information in a time of war so that the information cannot be obtained through torture or other methods.
We absolutely cannot change the day of the month or the day of the week of the timing of our fleeing! It's appointed and "written in stone" (figure of speech).
If Jesus had brought all knowledge of all things with him into the human flesh, the human brain would explode as it could not contain all the knowledge of God.
The scriptures tell us that even if we were to look at the fullness of God, our flesh would die.
It is like when we go camping or hiking with a backpack on our back. We try to not make the load on our back too much heavy. The scriptures say that Jesus came to Tabernacle (camp) among us. John 1:14. I know that The Holy Ghost is giving me all of these words.
Council Update:
The entire Council of Elders have agreed to:
- The fact that Assad is the Antichrist,
- And that polygamy between only one man but more than one female is biblical and lawful,
- And to the formation of a new, additional council of women, who will be giving their vote only on specific issues, and such votes will be only symbolic, so as to help people realize that even the women agree on those issues. For example, I will be asking the Council of Women to vote about polygamy.
Several new topics added yesterday for the council to vote on.
New Moon Reminder: Monday Aug. 9. Worship services at 7 a.m. Eastern Time.
Full sermon audio: