Mark 16:17-20 True signs/miracles should follow (be present) with those that truly commit themselves to Jesus.
These are samples of miracles but many other types of miracles can occur as evidence of God's blessing upon a true ministry or truly saved person.
Although demonic miracles manifest within Babylon and deceived people, this does not erase the fact that miracles from GOD do occur among the truly saved.
Many Babylonian churches/congregations do not observe/experience ANY miracles of any kind.
August 11-12, 2021: On Wednesday night, the 11th we were playing cards, and attempted to play Poker. But my wife and I could not remember how to play. Brother Jared knew how to play "Texas Hold Them" version of Poker, but that's not the kind of Poker that my dad had taught me and I was trying to remember. We never could "figure it out". Jared had even tried to search for it on the internet but could not find it.
But then 24 hours later, for relaxation, I played an episode of "I Love Lucy" television show, It was from season 1, episode 2. I had no idea what the episode would be about. I could have played any other season, or any other episode, or any other t.v. show. Therefore it can't be coincidence that in this specific episode, they were playing the exact variant of Poker that I had tried to remember! And they were even teaching specifics of how to play. Wow, Amazing!
So over the next day after that, I thought, "Why would GOD teach me how to play Poker?"
It's probably more than just letting me know that He sees and hears me. It's got to be more.
So then I now believe that it was to inspire me to testify about recent miracles, as today's message for the 7th day rest and worship sermon.
May 16, 2021: At the local "Iris Festival", we met an elderly man & woman. I shared a testimony with the woman, about how "many years earlier, I had seen a sad woman and felt like I should give her a card. So I went to my car and shuffled a deck of cards that I had. It was many different cards with bible verses and encouraging words of inspiration. Many cards were different from each other. I asked God to tell me when to stop shuffling when the card that He wanted me to give her was on top. My eyes were closed. He told me when to stop.
I looked and the card said "With God, all things are possible".
I kept the card in the deck of cards. I shuffled again with my eyes closed. Again, God said "Stop". I looked and the same card was on top again. It was the ONLY card that said "With God all things are possible". So I rushed to go back to the woman and gave it to her.
The sad woman replied that she had just been thinking those exact words at that moment that I gave it to her!"
After I finished this testimony to the woman at the Iris Festival, I gave the woman a bloodstone, and was going to tell her what it was good for, but she already knew. Moreover, she had the exact same bloodstone! She said that it looked perfectly identical, lines and colors and everything.
After the conversation, I showed Brother Jared that I had three different bloodstones in my pocket that looked different. So the whole miracle was even greater than this woman knew.
May 16th - 22nd: God revealed to us the connection between the usage of iron in the fake vaccines and the word iron in Daniel. It was an amazing revelation and extremely important!
June 12, 2021: During the sermon, I quoted the verse about how the devil is circling like a lion. Then, we read 1 Peter 5:6-7, but I didn't notice that the very next verse, 1 Peter 5:8 is the verse I had just quoted!
Brother Jared had to point it out to me. This was an amazing confirmation that those words were from God and not from me, as I did not know where in the bible that verse was, but it was the very next verse, which I had not planned on reading that day, nor in that sermon.
June 27, 2021: Addition to sermon
After the sermon ended, Jared randomly turned to a page and started reading. Then he noticed some verses, Luke 7:24-25, which were highly relevant to the sermon and were added to the notes later.
July 17, 2021: Miracles related to the sermon on a Council of Elders:
1. Leading up to the sermon, I had mentioned how I was thinking about forming the council again, and had wanted to do so for years. Then, we noticed that today, in the 11 days of reflecting on how Jesus fulfills many roles, was the day of thinking about how God is the Judge.
2. The pavilion where we normally have services was missing all its tables. Those tables with seats had been there at that location for many years, and probably decades. But now they were gone! So we had to go to another location and set up on some benches on the other side of the road of the same park. There were seven members on the council. During the sermon, Jared saw the sunlight shine brightly on the empty chief bench (8th bench which faces the other 7 benches), and realized looking around that there were 7 benches in a circle, and the 8th bench representing God's throne in front. How incredible God is, that He would lead us to have the sermon about a council of 7 elders under God in a location so similar to the council!
July 24, 2021: Miracles related to the sermon, The Lake of Fire is Love:
The topic of the sermon was a rebuke to a satanist.
During the sermon, I spoke against how the wicked judge God, yet by their own words and actions they condemn themselves as unworthy, doing things like calling Jesus just a man. Then, shortly after this, the next chapter, Romans 2:1-6, was identical to what I had just said.
Also the words "O MAN" appears in verse 3. In other words, Jesus was saying to the satanist, you are the one who is just a man!
(Also worth noting that the notes started later in the chapter, not at verse 1. So I had not planned on reading those verses, but God led me to.)
July 31, 2021: Miracles related to the sermon warning against vegetarianism:
1. Leading up to this topic, we had been watching the season of Naked and Afraid where there was a woman who would not eat meat. She couldn't survive the full 40 days and was taken out delirious for medical assistance.
2. At the end of the sermon, The Holy Ghost reminded me about Genesis 4, how God was more pleased with Abel's sacrifice of meat than Cain's offering of vegetables.
August 6, 2021:
During the sermon, the pavilion was flooding and we had to move stuff around. While talking about The Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus, I bumped the laptop, turning on a song. It was "I Claim The Blood", which is about the blood of Jesus and the power of The Holy Ghost.
All of these miracles and more, all prove Jesus' blessings upon this worldwide ministry. This is God's church, not Apostle Zimmerman's. People need to stop saying "your church", because I don't have a church. But Jesus does.