July 10, 2021 (30th day of 3rd month)
I encourage everyone to take the next 11 days to think of how God fulfills these following 11 roles to us.
(Add additional verses on each date. Don't add before.)
Although we will go over these together in this sermon, over the next 11 days, please go back over them one day at a time. Each day, pray and think about how God fulfills that role to you. Look up possible additional verses.
Day 1, July 11: He is our Good Father.
(Sunday, 1st day of 4th month)
(Notice also how the dates align with the day numbers. I did not plan it this way. It's just how it happened, as planned by Jesus, which confirms that the sermon came from Jesus.
John 14:18 Rev.21:7
Day 2, July 12: Creator. He created us.
(2nd day of 4th month)
John 1:3 Col. 1:16 Genesis 1-2
Isa. 43:7
New creation upon baptism: 2 Cor. 5:17
Day 3, July 13: Redeemer, Saviour
Zeph. 3:17 Isa. 44:22 Rom. 5:8; 8:1-2; 1 Peter 3:18
Day 4, July 14: Teacher
John 14:26
Day 5, July 15: Legal advocate, attorney and witness
John 14:26; 1 John 2:1
Day 6, July 16: Judge
2 Cor. 5:10
Day 7: July 17: Comforter, Prince of Peace. Counselor
Our rock and refuge.
Psalm 18:1-2; 34:17-18
Gal. 5:1 Titus 2:14
Day 8, July 18: Best Friend
John 15:15 Prov. 18:24
You can tell him anything and everything. He already knows. He will still love you, but he might also tell you the truth about your sin and rebuke you for it even as a true friend would.
Day 9, July 19: Protector, Shepherd, Caretaker
Psalm 23 Psa. 91
Day 10, July 20: Lover, Husband, Caretaker, Alpha
Eph. 5:27
We are his bride which shall marry him at the Marriage Supper in Heaven during the wrath of God. We get engaged to him at baptism.
Naturally, we want to spend time with our lover.
Day 11, July 21: Boss, Lord, Master, God which we must revere and obey.
Rev. 22:13
Additional days, find additional roles of God to study about and pray about. Such as for example, God is our warrior captain sergeant. God is our High Priest. God is our healer. See what other roles you can find. Use one day per category.
We should acknowledge God as being our "all in all", our everything, everything and all that we need.
No human can fulfill us the way that He can.
Also, happy 1 year spiritual birthday today for Sister Grace Jesus Girl, she was baptized one year ago! Congratulations!
Sermon audio: https://soundcloud.com/isawthelightministries/10-jul-2021-our-relationships-with-god-11-days-to-examine