What an amazing turn around that we have seen/witnessed in the Korea's!
Although I still do not trust N. Korea and believe that the dictator is very likely to turn back into his evil self as soon as WW3 begins, for now it seems that the situation in Korea has greatly improved. Therefore this removes Korea from the possibility of where WW3 will begin. Many people have wrongfully predicted that WW3 would start with Korea. But I Saw The Light Ministries has stayed with the truth of scripture that it will start with Syria and Israel. The Bible is true.
Improved Video Pages
I have edited and improved our video pages so that now the pages will load much faster.
Now, instead of every video trying to partially load for preview at the same time, you will have to click on each video separately. You will no longer be able to see a preview picture of the videos. This will help greatly for people who have very slow internet.
I am also in the process of improving the load speed of many of the articles on the ministry website. It won't look as fancy or as modern. But it will load much faster for people who live in Africa and other parts of the world where the internet is slow. It's not important to be modern advanced. It's more important for everyone in the world to be able to load the website and see the truth. This reformatting of the website will take some time to finish. Please be patient as I slowly work my way through the website one article at a time. You will notice the speed improvement and changes one article at a time.
Prophecy Videos:
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