But still supports Satan. Don't trust Saudi Arabia! They are devil worshippers and will always be until JESUS returns.
Bernie Sanders Mourns Hamas Terrorists Killed by Israel
UK Gives $28,300,000 To "Palestinian" Schools Glorifying Jihad And Islamic Martyrdom
"Pope" Says Christians Should Feel Shame For Global Strife
MORE Confirmation that the Tiangong Space Station Crash Represented Assad Sitting in the Temple of GOD in Heaven, and then Being Thrown Down Onto The Earth!
I recently reported that "Tiangong" means "Heavenly Place". However, now I am understanding that it means "Heavenly Palace", "Heavenly Temple", 'Altar of Heaven" and "LORD/King of Heaven". These first 2 links will show that Tiangong means "Heavenly Palace", which is another way of saying "Heaven's Temple". Then, the links after these 2 will show more proof of "Heaven's temple and Heaven's altar" and even the name of the Chinese trinity and Chinese creator.
Tiangong means "Temple in Heaven" and "Lord of Heaven".
Notice in the following website, that the Chinese letters/characters for "Tiangong" in the "Temple of Heaven" phrase, looks like 2 men standing beside each other! As in the "antichrist" standing beside the main false prophet. And I remember reading that the Assyrian letters "YHWH" also looks like a man when the letters are stacked on top of each other! http://forum.yadayahweh.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=339#post1870 This again confirms the Assyrian demonic connections of YHWH and this space station!
The location of the "Tiangong Temple" in Taiwan was originally the location of Taiwan's "Temple of Heaven".
The temple worships a demon named Tiangong. Both the temple and the deity shares this name.
Wikipedia says: "The Jade Emperor (Tiangong) in Chinese culture, traditional religions and myth is one of the representations of the first god. In Taoist theology he is Yuanshi Tianzun
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuanshi_Tianzun , one of the "Three Pure Ones", the three primordial emanations of the Tao. In Buddhist cosmology he is identified with Sakra. In Korean mythology he is known as Hwanin."
"The Jade Emperor is known by many names, including Heavenly Grandfather (Tian Gong), which originally meant "Heavenly Duke", which is used by commoners; the Jade Lord; the Highest Emperor".
If he is considered one of the "3 pure ones", then he represents the trinity which is Assad and the 2 popes.
Learn about the Chinese version of the Assyrian trinity.
In Korean mythology he is known as Hwanin or Haneullim or Haneulnim (하늘님 "Heavenly King"), also spelled Hananim (하나님) or Hanunim (하느님), Hwanin (환인) or Hanin (한인), also called Sangje ("Highest Deity") or Sangjenim ("Kingly Highest Deity"), also known simply as Haneul ("Heaven") or Cheon (천 "Heaven", in Sino-Korean), or Cheonsin ("God of Heaven"),[1] is the concept of supreme God peculiar to Korean shamanism, and religions rooted in Korean shamanism (including Cheondoism and Jeungsanism). In some of these religions he is called Okhwang Sangje ("Highest Deity the Jade Emperor").
Haneullim is etymologically explained as meaning "source [im, in] of all being [haneul, hwan]", indicating the absolute principle of the universe, the supreme being, or the supreme mind. According to scholars, the belief in this supreme God is at the heart of all religions in Korea, being deeply rooted in the mind of the Korean people.
This is directly related to the trinity doctrine in Korea.
All of this in this newsletter today, proves the Assyrian origin of the Korean trinity, and the Chinese trinity and the American trinity! Satan and his son, Assad, were known in Egypt as Ra the sun god, and by other cultures as Zeus, Tammuz, Easter, Apollo, Haneullim and many other names, but they are all the same fallen angels, just different languages and different cultures pagan worship of the same demonic origin.
The Chinese space station has the same name as this Chinese demon that is claimed to be the creator of Heaven & Earth and of humans! But Christ JESUS is the creator. John 1 and Colossians 1:16-17. Therefore Tiangong represents the false Christ, the false creator, the false god, Assad. Proof that Assad is "The Antichrist" http://www.isawthelightministries.com/antichrist.html
The crash of the space station represented Assad sitting in the Temple of GOD in Heaven and being cast down upon the Earth! And it crashed on Purim April 1 of the Eastern time zone. Therefore, the prophecy was fulfilled that Assad was cast down onto the Earth on Purim of April 1. However it's not the real Assad, only his symbolism. But this foreshadowing will soon be fulfilled with the real demon, Assad, sitting in the Temple of GOD in Heaven and then will be cast down to the Earth with Satan. See PROOF at http://www.isawthelightministries.com/templeStrongDelusion.html
All of this also reveals that even the Chinese will worship Assad. The bible declares that the majority of the world, and people of all nations will worship him. It also confirms again that the trinity is an evil, (click for proof) pagan doctrine. We have ONLY ONE CREATOR.
See undeniable PROOF that YHWH is the Assyrian Name of Satan http://www.isawthelightministries.com/sacrednames.html