ELELUJE! We got pass this Purim without The Strong Delusion of 2 Thes. 2 yet occurring! In one sense, this is wonderful news, since we have another year to prepare for the greatest tribulation that mankind has ever encountered. This opportunity is ONLY by The Great Mercy of Jesus, our GOD.
Revelation 10:6 (AOB) "and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE AND THE THINGS IN IT, AND THE EARTH AND THE THINGS IN IT, AND THE SEA AND THE THINGS IN IT, that there will be delay no longer."
So very clearly, the bible teaches that there would be a delay. In recent days and weeks, we have eye witnessed Iran, Turkey, Russia and Syria on the very edge of WW3, plus locust plagues of biblical and historical proportions, as well as a major global pandemic. We had every right and every reason to believe that The Strong Delusion of 2 Thes. 2 would occur this Purim. But we accept that it was GOD's wonderful will to delay for at least one more year.
But we DID see some amazing foreshadowings during Purim 2020, as expected.
Extremely Strange "Alien" Clouds In The Sky Over Spain on Purim
Demonic Fools in Mexico Worshipped The Devil Via Fire & Calf/Bull Demon on Purim!
Caution: What is revealed in this very short video is very demonic worship by MANY MANY people on Purim! Gross! Yes, people did worship demons in Purim as we expected, just in a different way than we expected. It's all a foreshadowing of larger events to come!
-Over the next year, we'll be able to continue to get more and more in shape and more accustomed to being outside and walking more and eating healthier. We can get our bodies accustomed to eating wild edible plants, etc.
-Over the next year, we'll continue to grow in the truth and in repentance and holiness.
-I encourage true devout followers of Jesus to move to eastern Tennessee to join our local congregation to assist here locally in this international, worldwide work. We need more help! And I will be able to assist young men to grow into more mature, more masculine men. And we sure do need some good faithful sisters too! You need real, person to person fellowship with other true followers of Jesus.
-We now have more time to get to know each other more, as true family. And I will have more time to learn who to trust and who will forsake Jesus. Now we can move forward with some impending baptisms if they do not forsake Jesus today or this week.
-Our goals over the next year include establishing new congregations with additional pastors and deacons in Australia, Korea, Philippines, Mexico, Canada, India, across the USA and other international locations.
The good fruit of us preparing for the prophetic fulfillment to occur this Purim is as follows:
-As I preached in the sermon on Purim morning on Monday, Purim sifts (filters) people. We'll see who will forsake Jesus so very quickly, and who will stay with Jesus for the love of His Truth. This Purim will prove to be a very necessary and good test.
-Purim expectations provoked me to quickly update & publish the most recently improved update of the AOB bible. Now people are much better equipped with GOD's Word.
-Many of us now have more supplies for the Greatest Tribulation than ever before. As we go through the rest of the next 12 months, supplies will continue to diminish and increase in price. Many supplies purchased new in the next 12 months will be infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus and other viruses. Praise Jesus that many of us already have most of our supplies.
-Over the next year, we will be able to practice with those supplies that we have now attained and learn more skills and how to use those supplies to the best of our ability. Thank Jesus for this time to practice and develop skills! I encourage everyone to spend time camping and hiking this summer! If we had not prepared supplies urgently, we would not now have them in time and at the right price for practice over the next year. Any expense of attaining them will be taken care of by Jesus. I have already eye-witnessed jobs for 2 unemployed congregation members. Jesus supplies the needs of those who follow Him in full truth and obedience.
-The thought of the possibility of impending prophetic fulfillment helped to bring more people into the Light of Truth. And provoked many of us to witness to more people. We distributed more flyers/tracts and stickers. More people have now been exposed to GOD's wonderful truth, revelations and prophecies that WILL still be fulfilled in GOD's time.
Like I heard another man say one time, prophecy is not like a hamburger at a fast food restaurant. You can't order it your way, without ketchup, add extra mustard. Prophecy will be fulfilled exactly the way it comes, not special ordered our way on our timing.
The Strong Delusion of 2 Thes. 2, also known as The Abomination of Desolation of Matt.24 & Dan.12 will STILL be fulfilled on the date of Purim of some year, most likely next year, considering the events that we now see. And YES, I WILL continue EVERY year to say that it is most likely this next Purim. I don't make ANY apologies concerning this. I don't confess ANY sin concerning this. As I stated at the beginning of this letter, all of us had every reason to believe that it could had been this Purim. It seems much more like a delay, NOT a failed or false prophecy.
I believe that Jesus has delayed because He is waiting for more of you to accept His Truth and repent of your Babylonian doctrines, false religions, paranoia fears and other sins. He's waiting for more boys to become men and stand up to their wicked Catholic/Orthodox parents and stand up against the Catholic Church. He's waiting for people to repent of believing in 3 headed monster gods. He's waiting for 16 to 60 year old men to leave mommy and daddy's house and grow up and become independent. He's waiting for women to stop being paranoid of everyone and everything. He's waiting on scared little girls age 30+ to grow up and trust Him and believe in His Power and goodness, mercy & forgiveness. He's waiting for KJV only folks to get some common sense, wake up and smell the coffee and realize that the KJV is among the MOST corrupt of bibles, and NOT the most accurate. He's waiting for people to accept His 10 Commandments including the commanded 7th day of rest and worship on Saturday sunrise to sunrise. He's waiting for people to observe HIS commanded Holy Days including Passover Communion ONLY on Passover. He's waiting for all of this and more, because He's THE ONLY GOD of Mercy, Love, Truth, Holiness and Salvation.
But He won't wait forever! Sooner or later, all of the prophecies will be fulfilled. And it will still occur according to the Holy Day calendar. See the article about the 5 Holy Days in the End Time Prophetic Timeline.
This next year will be VERY troublesome.
Many people will die from the COVID-19 coronavirus and the flu. Scientists are saying that COVID-19 might eventually dissipate (go away) for a while, but then return in even larger numbers and even more deadly this next winter!
As workers are returning to work in China now, many of them will infect packages being shipped to the USA and across the world. This virus is not yet over, not even for now. Foolish people will continue to order cheap products directly from Chinese companies. Plus, more & more items in your local stores will be infected.
The locust plagues continue to grow larger and larger and causing more and more famine across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, including China.
The situation with Turkey and Syria MIGHT calm down for a while, or a year max, OR it could continue to get worst, and therefore we could possibly see a long drawn out war over many months or an entire year, with the final climax next Purim.
Israel Plans to Completely Remove Iran From Syria in These Next 12 Months!
5G internet will become a greater and more serious problem as it is installed and activated in more and more cities. More and more people will get cancer from 5G and many others will suffer dizziness and extreme fatigue as it tears down their bodies.
Pit Bull demon dogs will continue to murder people all across the world including babies, little children and the elderly and even strong adult men, as the wicked fools continue to breed and buy and sell these demonic monsters.
This next year will be as a woman having a very long painful labour and baby overdue to be born but who refuses to show his head yet. The pains will continue to increase from bad to worst and worst and worst. The people of Jesus are going to need to cry out and beg for the start of The Greatest Tribulation! People need to be more than eager to give up their carnal, useless, vain, miserable lives. They need to groan for the manifestation of the end of this carnal world and for the coming of the fullness of Christ's Kingdom.
Romans 8:22-24 (AOB)
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?
WHO Declares COVID-19 as a pandemic.
Big News! USA Moving Air Defense Equipment into Iraq.
Saudi Arabia To Flood USA Oil Market
COVID-19 Kills 180 N. Korean Soldiers
(We see that the virus has killed or infected many Babylonian cult members worldwide, preachers and pastors and church members of such cults and Iranian government officials and now N Korean soldiers. I tell you, it's more of a judgment on the wicked, than anything else.)
Russian Military Increases Forces Near USA Forces in Syria
New York Governor Calls Military National Guard to Quarantine 1 Mile Radius Around City of New Rochelle Jewish Synagogue Including Other Schools, Other Churches and Businesses, and Homes
Governor of the state of Washington says there could be 250,000 infected in that one state in only 8-9 weeks. He then outlined a number of steps the state is taking to slow the spread of the coronavirus, including new rules for nursing homes and an expansion of unemployment benefits. These could be followed by more dramatic actions later, Inslee said.
China Threatens To Without Medical Supplies From USA
US Hospitals Preparing for 96 MILLION COVID-19 Infections + HALF A MILLION Deaths
Website Update:
In this article, I added section 3 about Noah.
Were Samson, Jacob & Noah Horrible Sinners As Many Christians Claim?
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