Russia set to build up their navy facilities in Syria
Posted 6:10 p.m. Eastern Time:
Turkey Calls for Emergency Meeting of NATO upcoming this Tuesday
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The Confederate Flag Prophetic Sign Over America
Will Only A FEW People Ever Get Saved?
OR Many?
Don't assume that you already know the Truth!
Posted 12:33 p.m. Eastern Time:
Update: I updated the beginning of the Red Alert time frame from Sept.1 to July 26 because of the major breaking news of NATO/Turkey striking inside of Syria. Events are now quickly heading toward the fulfillment of Assad's deadly head wound of Revelation 13. Major prophetic events could happen at ANY second. It is possible for a major event to occur BEFORE September although I am NOT saying that it will. We are just WATCHING for any possible event.
So now the Red Alert WATCH runs from NOW until the end of the year.
Kentucky forbids pastors from calling homosexuality "sinful".