Considering all of this, the number 4.2 then can be seen as possibly prophetic referring to the coming 42 months of Great Tribulation. (look at the web address below where it says it is a "42magnitude-earthquak". ) If it were not for all these other considerations, then I would not automatically assume 4.2 was prophetic.
Please note that I am NOT proclaiming any major earthquake to immediately strike in Michigan or along the New Madrid. I am just simply noticing the signs and sharing what I am observing. There was also a 3.2 earthquake today in Mississippi and a smaller quake in Canada, above Michigan. When looking at a map of North America, I cannot believe that all 3 of these locations today are unrelated. They are all along the same line that would break in the future prophetic fulfillment. So, what are we seeing today? The actual break? Or just beginnings? I believe we are simply seeing this zone become more active in preparation for the future fulfillment. Just something to keep an eye on and realize that this area is coming alive. We also see the volcano erupting under the water off the coast of Oregon, another very prophetic area for earthquakes.