As reported in the i Saw The Light Ministries News Alerts (sent via text messages and emails) early today, There was a loud noise heard at the White House as obama and his family was preparing to leave, to go to Selma Alabama for the 50th year anniversary of Bloody Sunday, a black civil rights event. There was also a nearby vendor cart or vendor truck fire with lots of black smoke. A bomb sniffing dog alerted security forces to a car or truck parked nearby. The White House went on lock down and obama and his family were moved to another location instead of taking the helicopter as had been planned. All of this happened many hours ago, and still to this moment, no explanation has been given about the loud noise that was heard at the White House, the fire and the bomb sniffing dog which had indicated the presence of explosives. Therefore it is very clear that the public is being kept in the dark about what really happened, which is a common theme with the obama administration, to keep secrets.
It is also very interesting that in the pass few weeks, i have been hearing The Holy Spirit say ALABAMA. i had wondered about whether HE was telling me to go to Alabama. But came to the conclusion that i would not go unless HE directed me more about where and when. But i kept hearing and seeing ALABAMA. But i didn't know anything about Bloody Sunday and obama's planned trip. So it is very interesting about today's events and the significance of tomorrow's date.
i believe that there were seeds planted 50 years ago on Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama that are now going to spring forth spiritually tomorrow, Sunday, March 8, 2015, and that today's mysterious events were part of the ground breaking of such events. We may NOT see anything tomorrow, and i am NOT saying that we will see anything tomorrow. There is much in the Spiritual realm that we cannot see with our physical eyes. But there remains a possibility that we COULD see something in the physical tomorrow as well. But whether anything happens tomorrow or not, i firmly believe that there are things springing forth but this date forward. Here are some links related to the subject of today's events, Followed by a note that i wrote on FaceBook last month. We change our clocks tonight one hour forward.
Feb.17, 2015 3:13pm On FaceBook:
Time marches forward. As the clock moves forward and as things come to life in the spring, so will events reserved for an appointed time spring forward. Many seeds have been planted that will burst through the ground. Things will come to new heights.
There will be no more delay. All things are prepared. Time for action. Many ships, jets and troops will be moved and enter countries. There shall be WAR on Earth and in Heaven. Those that sit on the fence will be shaken off. The ground shall move. People will be moved. Some for the good, and some for the bad, but all for the Good.
My people Israel must be Judged.
I Love them and hold them dear.
But they must repent. Judgment must come and repentance will come forth. My people will be healed and delivered from Babylon. Chains must be broken. A great shaking must occur even in the prisons. Who will listen? Who will return? The foundations must be broken that you may come to The Solid Rock. All idols must fall and be replaced with The Mountain of THE LORD. Babylon must fall. It must be broken. When the times are accomplished, Out of the ground shall arise my faithful servants to new life. But even now, they must shake off the dust and come to Life, Awake oh sluggard, Awake thou that sleepest. For the time appointed has come. You were born for this day and this time. Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand. Daniel 12:10
Spring is near. Prepare now. This is your time.