2 shot, 1 dead after attempt to ram Fort Meade gate.
Co-pilot that intentionally crashed German airplane full of people was a muslim. It was islamic terrorism.
Moscow Accuses U.S. of Attempting to Incite Russian Revolution
China has 2 types of Missiles to destroy USA satellites.
Pot Crops helping to destroy California Water Supply.
Marijuana poses more health risk than many realize.
Catholic university okays ISIS support club.
Muhammad Ali, Janet Jackson & Madonna have the Mark of the Beast.
We should not have any idols.
Franklin Graham
seems to be doing a great job fighting islam and a few other abominations. That's wonderful.
But that's not enough for him to make it in the first resurrection. He must stop keeping the ancient Assyrian pagan demonic holidays of Easter and christmas. He must stop worshiping queen easter every sun-day morning. He must keep the 10 Commandments including the 7th Day Sabbath. He must warn the people that there isn't any pre-tribulation rapture.
Unless he does all this, he's just another preacher of Babylon. Just as lost as a muslim.
Paul & the Full Counsel of GOD.
Acts 20:27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
This verse is twisted many times by people to try to say that Paul was the last prophet to ever exist and that Paul explained everything we need to know forever. In other words, that when Paul died, GOD stopped speaking, that GOD has been a deaf mute for over 2,000 years. Very clearly, the doctrine is of the devil, in an attempt to keep people from hearing from GOD and from having a personal relationship with HIM.
Paul was simply just saying that he had not refrained from telling the people the truth. Was he saying that we don't need Matthew, mark, Luke, john or Peter? No. Paul didn't declare 100% of everything that ever needed to be written, spoken or heard. All of these other members of the Body of Christ was needed as well. What if we had only Paul's writings and not any other book of the bible? We would be worst off, because there are also very important teachings by the other prophets and apostles.
GOD is not dead. HE is not mute. HE hasn't changed. HE has always spoken to mankind and specifically more so to certain individuals that HE has chosen to deliver HIS messages to others. GOD is still speaking, not only via The Bible, not only via The Holy Spirit, but also to apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, which then deliver the Message to the people. This is the way GOD has always worked. All in JESUS Name.
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