Earthquake Knocks Trumpet Out of Angels Hands in Mormon Utah
I believe it means that GOD will remove the voice of the Mormon church, i.e. remove their leaders and pastors and headquarters.
Hobby Lobby Babylon Wife Hears False Voice
They will be responsible for many more deaths in USA.
Babylonian Pastor 1st To Die From COVID19 in Oklahoma
He taught the people lies for 20 years. Now he's the 1st dead in his state. Judgment!
Chicago Catholic Church Calls Prayer 5 Times Per Day Like Muslims
See 19 Ways The Catholic Church is Islam
COVID Kills 13 Catholic Priests
Vitamin D for Coronavirus?
UV Light Kills COVID19
UV light is used to filter contaminants from the air. UV light is effective on organic and living matter, especially mold and mildew. UV light attacks a cell’s DNA, disrupting or outright killing the cells. Any mold or mildew spores that pass through a UV-light purifier will be destroyed. The technology may also be used to kill viruses and bacteria.
It's my belief that hard wood ash also kills viruses. And also pine tree bark and pine tree needles. Take a tea from pine needles. Make sure tree is truly "Pine Tree", not "cedar tree", not "cypress tree".
Rep. Ben McAdams, D-Utah Has COVID19
COVID-19 Coronavirus Lives This Long on Surfaces:
Cardboard= 24 hours.
Steel and plastic = 2-3 days.
Copper = 4 hours.
Quarantine your products and mail/newspapers/packages that length of time. Mail & newspapers should be put in cardboard boxes on porch outside. Do not bring mail/newspapers or packages into house until after have sit outside for at least 24 hours. Use disposable gloves to check mail and to attain newspapers and packages until after finish quarantine.
I recommend that you sign up for "paperless" billing for anything possible.
COVID19 Sends Healthy 26 Year Old To Hospital
I've seen MANY such reports. It's dangerous for all ages!
Lost of Smell and Test Also Symptoms
Comet Coming in April
4 Horsemen Article Updated:
Here's the part edited and added to:
Green is the sacred color of Islam.
In the context of history, the antichrist spirit of Islam is a spirit that mankind has had to fight with over many millenniums. Islam existed well before Muhammad, under many different names during Old Testament times. Some people believe the snake in the Garden of Eden could have been a green snake.
But the end time 4th seal (pale/green horse) was probably opened during the "1963 Syrian coup d'état", referred to by the Syrian government as the "8 March Revolution". It occurred on the day before Purim, which is a significant sign that this could be the date of the opening of the seal. The coup brought the very demonic "Ba'ath Party" into power in Syria, which eventually led to Bashar Assad's dictatorship.
On Feb. 22, 1971, Bashar Assad's fake "dad" Hafez al-Assad seized control of Syria and introduced Alawite rule of Syria. The pale green 4th horseman was then quickened and empowered even more in January 1978 when the Iranian Revolution, also known as the Islamic Revolution, began when Jimmy Carter was the president of the USA. After strikes and demonstrations paralyzed Iran and its economy, the Shah was overthrown and fled the country in January 1979 and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile to Tehran. Khomeini and the extreme Islamic Iranian government are elements of the green horse. They are partners with the Syrian Assad family and the Assyrian son of perdition.
The pale-green horseman of Islam was again quickened by Obama's support of the conquest of Egypt, his removal of President Mubarak by the Nazi party, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Communist party, as well as Obama's continued support of Islam across the globe. President Mubarak did a great job of restricting those three evil groups in the middle east. When President Mubarak was overthrown, those evil groups of 666 were free to wage war in the middle east. Egypt and all the middle east has been purposely weakened so that Bashar Assad can now conquer the middle east. Bashar Assad, the son of perdition, is the main current rider of the pale green horse. He that sat on him is death (Assad + other Islamic leaders + pestilence/viruses) and hell (the grave) follows!
Obama, Pope Francis, Bashar Assad, the war in Syria, the war in Iraq, ISIS, Islamic State, the war in the Ukraine, the Ebola Virus and also the COVID-19 coronavirus are all parts of the green horseman / 4th seal.
Ebola Virus
Rev. 6:8 (NASB) I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them (the 4 horsemen) over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
The Ebola virus consists of a green protein, thereby helping to identify it as part of the green horseman pestilence.
2020 COVID-19 Coronavirus
The Wuhan, China coronavirus has a direct connection to the red horse 2nd seal of communism and also to the 4th seal green horseman of Assad, Islam and pestilence. The Chinese virus was engineered in a lab in China. It was "man made" on purpose as part of a biological war against the USA. Assad is well known for chemical warfare and he also has much biological warfare ability. Revelation 9 describes Bashar Assad as the king of the locusts made of iron. Those metal locusts are actually military helicopters equipped with biological and/or chemical warfare. China, Russia and Iran support Assad and his chemical and biological warfare. North Korea is also very much involved with those nations in developing and stockpiling biological and chemical warfare ingredients.
In 2005, a top Chinese military official publicly admitted that the Chinese government was preparing biological (viruses) warfare for the purpose of releasing on America, to kill many Americans, to make it easier for China to then invade and seize the land.
Assad is the true "Son of Perdition", which people call "The Antichrist". As the antichrist, he is the true New World Order (NWO) leader who is orchestrating behind the scenes, and is surely probably in charge of the Chinese virus manufacturing and release. Do not discount what world leaders do in concert behind the scenes. Many of the Nazi, Islamic, Communist world leaders are fallen angels who are working together. Assad would be their leader, under Satan.
The 2020 locust outbreak across Africa, the middle east and Asia is a foreshadowing of the iron locusts (helicopters with chemical or biological warfare) of Revelation 9. Revelation 9 won't be fulfilled until the final 5 months of the 1,335 days of Daniel 12. Therefore, Revelation 9 will not be fulfilled in 2020-2021-2022. But the real locusts of 2020 are foreshadowings of the end, which will include biological or/and chemical warfare, which the 2020 COVID-19 coronavirus is already part of and will intensify with the helicopters.
Curse Upon the KJV Translators:
In the early 1600's, there was a major outbreak plague/pestilence of a virus that killed many of the KJV translators. They didn't have GOD's protection.
But the translator of the AOB is, and will continue to be, untouched by the COVID19 virus.