The Gog Magog war, the deadly head wound of Rev.13, has been in it's infancy for a few years now. But it is maturing more every month and every year.
We now have proof that the war in Syria is not just against isis but also against Assad and USA is ALREADY targeting him. As ordained
Russian Ambassador to Denmark says "if Denmark joins the American-led missile defence shield. If they do, then Danish warships WILL BE targets for Russian nuclear missiles”
Northcom: Russian Cruise Missile Threat to U.S. Grows.
U.S. defenses ‘over-matched’ for missile threats.
Iranian Ship Unloads 185 Tons of Weapons, Military Equipment in Yemen.
The U.S. Has No Defense Against A Russian Nuclear Attack.
Article completely redone:
Spiritual Warfare Prayer Points:
Doctors pledging allegiance to Dr. Bashar Assad:
Some doctors pledge allegiance to the fallen angel, son of perdition, (anti-christ) Dr. Assad.
FEW schools still have the graduating doctors take the original oath. Others do a modern version without the Greek gods names. There are different versions at different schools. It's not a legal requirement. Just a school thing. But I would not want to go to one of the doctors who took the original oath!
Added to article "Third Temple Will Never Be Built"
In Daniel 8:10 it describes Alexander the Great as fighting a war IN HEAVEN. So i believe that Alexander was the same fallen angel as Antiochus and Assad. In Fact, Assad believes that Adam, Moses, Noah, Jesus, Muhammad and himself are all the one and same being reincarnated! Although WE KNOW that reincarnation is not real, his belief in one person being reincarnated in different time periods is based on the fact that he is the same fallen angel that manifested as Alexander, Antiochus and Assad. AAA. He is proclaiming himself as the Alpha (and Omega), the false Messiah.
The Fallen Angel of Apollyon:
The devil and his fallen angels were worshipped in Greek mythology as Greek gods and goddesses. Under different names, those same fallen angels were worshipped in Babylonian, Roman and Egyptian mythology. One of the well known names for the fallen angel of the son of perdition is Apollyon. Revelation 9 speaks about Apollyon.
Rev. 9:1 (NASB) "Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which HAD FALLEN to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him". Notice how that the New American Standard Bible (NASB) says that this star/angel HAD FALLEN, as in the pass tense. His fall does not occur in Revelation 9. He had already fallen. This is saying that Apollyon is a fallen angel. See verse 11 for his name. Verse 11 also says that he is a king. So we see here a connection with the list of kings in Rev.17:10. He is the king that comes and goes from perdition, the abyss/bottomless pit. He is the king of the metal locusts in Revelation 9. These are helicopters which are spraying chemical weapons which torment men 5 months. Assad is well known for his chemical weapons! Assad was often called “Guardian Hunter” in his military career, a name given to him after the Greek Orion who was “the archer” in the heavens. Orion was also called Apollyon! Assad is Apollyon, the angel of the abyss.
Apollyon, Alexander, Antiochus= Assad.
Main Ministry Page Updated:
The main homepage of i Saw The Light Ministries has been updated to work better with more internet browsers. The navigation menu on the left side of the page has been moved to the bottom of the page. As time allows, i will be moving it to the bottom of the page on all of the pages that include the navigational menu. See the new first page at
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