On Monday, 10 French people were killed in a helicopter crash in Argentina. At least 3 of them were Olympic stars.
Then last night, 11 American marines were killed in another helicopter crash off Florida.
These 2 events are spiritually related.
There are 2 helicopters in each news story.
One of the American marine helicopters did not crash. But that makes no real difference. There was still 2 helicopters in both stories.
One event killed 10 people.
The other 11.
Too close of a number to be total coincidence.
These 2 events occurred around 26-28 hours apart . No coincidence.
The Argentine crash happened on Monday March 9 at around 5:15 p.m. local time,
(Time Zone is either the SAME OR just 1 hour difference from western Florida crash, according to the exact locations of each event).
USA helicopter disappeared around 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time, Tuesday, March 10.
Both are major news stories, both stir up national tears. Both France and USA are NATO members coming against bashar Assad.
Those that follow this ministry, are aware that I wrote a few years ago about the Olympics being part of the 1st seal, white horseman. And i have also written about how that automobiles and airplanes (helicopters would be included) are also part of the 4 horsemen.
What we therefore see in these events is a major spiritual sign and foreshadowing of the defeat of France and American air power, of our military's, of our sports domination, of sports idols and of our national pride.
Here is the News Story about the USA Marines:
Here is the News Stories about the France Crash:
War crimes case vs. Assad far better than ones for Milosevic, Charles Taylor, US official says.
Report Reveals Assad is 'Systematically' Targeting Hospitals.
Russia 'completely ending' activities under Conventional Armed Forces in Europe treaty.
Russia says nuclear arms to keep military edge over NATO, United States.
Russia says they have the right to place Nuclear weapons in Crimea, bordering Ukraine.
Greece (New ally of Russia) threatens to seize German property, Berlin refuses to pay WWII reparations.
United States has asked Vietnam to stop letting Russia use a former U.S. base to refuel nuclear-capable bombers.
Learn more about the coming Gog Magog War between Russia/Syria/Iran & USA/Israel.
See PROOF that bashar assad is the son of perdition (who people call the anti-christ).
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