ISIS Terrorists Set Fire To A Sulphur Plant Sending Toxic Gas Across Iraq
Attorney General Lynch ‘Pleads Fifth Amendment’ on Secret Iran ‘Ransom’ Payments
Philippines' President says God Warned Him Off Swearing
Was it the True GOD JEsus, or was it Assad? We shall eventually know who is leading Duterte.
India, Pakistan Expel Diplomats Amid Kashmir Tensions
Public High School Launches Club To Support Goals of Planned Parenthood/Abortion
Joe Biden At The Top of Possible Secretary of State for Hillary Clinton
What a Joke and an embarrassment for America!
Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Strip Religious Liberty Protections, Fund Abortion Overseas
John Brennan, A Muslim, Is Completely Unqualified To Be Director Of Central Intelligence
Christian Fundamentalism Is Way More Threatening Than Islamic Terrorism, Insists So Called "Christian" Professor
Alpha & Omega Bible Update:
I keep having to move the deadline another month. But I am determined to finish the translation by the end of November. Please pray that JEsus help me finish it by the end of November. The sooner the translation is released, the better so that we can get it into the hands of as many people as possible before we will no longer be able to ship worldwide due to the Great Tribulation.
Jesus has truly giving me the words for this translation!
We just got back from camping for 10 nights at a campground for the "Feast" of Tabernacles. Lev.23 Zech.14 John 7. Just before the Festival, I saw a tank top that I liked for sell, on clearance at K-Mart for only a little over $2.00 and so I bought it. It says "Fiesta Forever". I wasn't real sure what "Fiesta" meant. So I asked my wife and she confirmed what I thought, that it means "Festival" and "celebration". This was what JEsus was already showing me, that "Feast of Tabernacles" was not just a feast of food but rather more so a celebration: a festival, not feast. Then after seeing/buying the tank top (t-shirt), JEsus has now led me to use the word "Fiesta" instead of festival and feast. Fiesta is Latin and is also used in the Spanish language by many Mexicans for "party" and "celebration". To me, it seems like a word that REALLY brings out the true meaning of celebration even better than "festival". "Fiesta" is more lively. JEsus laid on my heart and mind that we need to reach more of the Latin/Spanish speaking people and this is the perfect way to do so. I learned that Spanish is the 2nd largest group of language speakers in the world. Second only to Chinese. English is third. So I am translating it as "Fiesta of Tabernacles" in the Alpha & Omega Bible, in order to help reach all of the many people who speak Latin/Spanish.
Then I learned that "Fiesta Forever" which is on the shirt, is from the song by Lionel Richie, "All Night Long". It's a carnal song about singing, dancing and partying all night long. But JEsus then showed me that it's a VERY popular song in Iraq and across the middle east. Many Arabs who do not know any other English, know this song and recognize "Fiesta Forever" as meaning a celebration. So even though they do not know English or Spanish, by translating it as "Fiesta of Tabernacles", it can reach the Arabs as well. The song was playing in the streets of Baghdad when the American troops entered the city to liberate them from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. The people were extremely glad to see the American troops and played the song in the streets to celebrate. Now, they want the American's to leave. lol.
During the Fiesta of Tabernacles, one day I showed my new tank top (t-shirt) that says "Fiesta Forever" to others who were there for the Fiesta/Feast. Then later that same day, we ended up talking to the campground manager who was wearing a shirt that said "Forever". Out of all of the shirts/tops/blouses that she had in her wardrobe, JEsus led her THAT SAME DAY to wear that specific shirt! NO Coincidence.
Also, a brother in Texas was off from work, perhaps probably for the Feast of Tabernacles, and went to "Fiesta Texas" amusement park. He did not know about JEsus leading me in calling the "feast" by the new term "Fiesta", until he received the newsletter text notification saying "Happy Fiesta of Tabernacles". Truly, he had went to the "Fiesta" of Tabernacles in more than one way! Again, NO Coincidence.
Then again today, I saw the word "Fiesta" which is NOT a word that I would see every day or every week since I am not Spanish or Latin.
The Alpha & Omega Bible will not only be the most accurate bible in over 2,000 years, but will also be an English translation that will include the terms "Fiesta of Tabernacles", "Fiesta of Trumpets", "These are my Fiestas", etc in order to reach far beyond the English speaking peoples and also reach the Latin, Spanish and Arab peoples. Truly, it won't be a bible just for physical Israelites (English speakers) but also to the Gentiles.
Update on Website & Email:
The main ministry website and email has been down today for upgrades by the web hosting company that I use. Hopefully everything will be back to normal tonight or tomorrow. If not, and if you normally listen to weekly "Sabbath" services on the ministry website, you can still listen by phone as well as on podcasts and TalkShoe.